Damn that’s so cool but your opinions on locations do not negate the fact that The Burj Khalifa is the tallest building on Earth. And even at the high end the UWS will likely not be taller (or even approach) 2,717 ft tall.
But it is not the tallest building in the civilized world. My whole point.
is not related to the topic.
The Penn Station area with this tower and the rest of the proposed ESC towers will look like a completely different city, adding Manhattan West and Hudson Yards to the mix as well.
Assuming the demand for office space comes back. This could be long haul development.
Yes, a developer will normally showcase their properties? That doesn’t mean it’s being redeveloped yet as they still dont own all of the Site 6 lot.
I did not know that.
None of Vornado’s existing Empire Station Complex developments are being developed yet, I wouldnt even consider them demolitioning Penn 15 developing it as theyve put everything on hold for the coming year to figure out what to do moving forward with some of their major projects.
Just because they own existing properties in the ESC plan doesn’t automatically mean they will start redeveloping them, they just own them like any other piece of real-estate.
But what is the question you’re asking as it relates to the news video?
What are these buildings? Placeholders? I do not understand anything about it, SORRY
Yes, all we know right now is that they are Vornado’s placeholder designs for Sites 4,5,6, and 8, Penn 15 on Site 7 is the only solid design we know of from Vornado, not including Penn 2.
About time! This is long overdue.
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The grant will cover about half the $600 million cost of building the concrete casing of a box tunnel that will carry trains beneath Hudson Yards in and out of Penn Station as part of [the Gateway Program.
Schumer said the money “will energize the vital Gateway Tunnel project. This massive amount of funds will mean construction on a critical element of the project can begin in 2023.”
The box tunnel will be the first significant construction on the Hudson River tunnel portion of the [long-delayed Gateway project, which includes construction of two new rail tunnels beneath the river and the rehabilitation of the existing rail tunnels, which opened in 1910 during the administration of President William Howard Taft.
Concrete tunnel casing leading west from Penn Station to Tenth Ave. is complete. The federal grant announced by Schumer will fund extension of the concrete tunnel casing from Tenth Ave. to west of Eleventh Ave., said Stephen Sigmund, a Gateway Program spokesman.
The Hudson Tunnel portion of the project, with an estimated price tag of about $16.1 billion, will link Penn Station to the Secaucus station in New Jersey, 4½ miles away.
The Hudson tunnels are part of the overall Gateway project, which is estimated to cost $30 billion in all, including new tracks and bridges west of Secaucus. When construction is complete in the 2030s, four tracks will be available to trains between Newark and New York.
Gateway has encountered years of delays — including during the administration of former President Donald Trump, whose [Transportation Department made Gateway a “medium-low” priority.
“Despite needless political delay because of the former president, the Gateway project — which our economy depends upon — is now advancing and seeing the federal dollars that fuel major construction,” Schumer said.
The $292 million allocated to the box tunnel is the largest award to date from a federal Department of Transportation grant program included in the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. The Gateway Program is one of a number of projects aimed at modernizing Amtrak’s Northeast Corridor, which connects New York to Boston and Washington.
US-based, US-focused companies can ignore GDPR by simply blocking Euro countries. If a publisher truly doesn’t care if Euro people can read it (because their advertisers only care about US eyeballs), it’s easier to block than to comply.