NEW YORK | 50 Hudson Yards (504-522 W 34th) | 981 FT | 58 FLOORS

Continuing the discussion from NEW YORK | Hudson District - Hudson Boulevard Corridor Subdistrict:

New Renderings: 50 Hudson Yards


50 Hudson Yards – image via Piranha & Related

While the primary coverage of Related’s Hudson Yards development has focused on the eastern portion of the railyards, the company’s acquisition of adjacent parcels — covered by YIMBY last year — promises additional benefits to the neighborhood, as a master plan well beyond the initial scope is beginning to take shape. Now, the first real renderings for 50 Hudson Yards have been posted to Piranha NYC’s website, indicating that the tower’s construction is on the near-horizon.

50 Hudson Yards — image via Piranha & Related

The first glimpse of 50 Hudson Yards featured the skyscraper as relative background noise, framing the larger supertall at 30 Hudson Yards; the latest reveal comes with some notable shifts in the projected massing, opening the possibility for comprehensive trading levels. Indeed, it appears as though the tower’s intended target would be large financial firms, as the building features massive floor-plates, similar to the podiums of 175 and 200 Greenwich Street.

As depicted in Piranha’s renderings, 50 Hudson Yards will stand approximately 62 stories to its pinnacle, with extremely generous ceiling heights pushing the tower’s roof to approximately 1,068 feet above street level, per recent Related graphics posted on Curbed. The tower will measure 2.3 million square feet.

50 Hudson Yards’ overall appearance is defined by blocky massing, with the tower divided between three sections. One of the building’s most notable features are double-height floors interspersed amongst the mid-levels, underlining both the flexibility of floor-plates, and the enormity of ceilings that would stretch above and beyond comparable new developments in Manhattan.

Flexibility is crucial given the shifting needs of financial companies, and by underscoring the potential for double-height floors — and column-free trading levels — Related is clearly making a play for a particular segment of the market. Whether the build-out of The Hudson Yards impacts the viability of The World Trade Center remains to be seen, but if Related can offer space that is superior to the World Trade Center at a lower price, the ongoing insanity at The Port Authority could ultimately delay construction of 175 and 200 Greenwich Street until the 2020s.

50 Hudson Yards — image via Piranha & Related

Given 50 Hudson Yards’ relatively ‘boxy’ appearance, some may not appreciate the design — but in the context of the larger development, the scheme represents a crucial link in the realization of Midtown West’s future. With so many supertalls rising in such a small area, there are bound to be buildings that some perceive to be dull; given the need to catalyze the neighborhood, what’s most important is appealing to anchor tenants that can further establish the Far West Side as a viable CBD. And in this regard, the plan for 50 Hudson Yards makes perfect sense.

50 Hudson Yards — image via Piranha & Related

Per the official website, 50 Hudson Yards’ western counterpart — 55 Hudson Yards — has a tentative completion date of 2018, which signals a bright outlook for its larger neighbor; given apparent progress in the tower’s conceptualization, 50 Hudson Yards’ may rise in the near-future, possibly by 2020. While the architect of the new tower has not been publicly revealed, KPF designed Related’s other major office towers in the neighborhood, and the firm may be involved in the latest plans, as well.

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As set forth in the attached video, Related is supposedly negotiating with financial institutions. 50 HY fits the bill.

I recall that Tishman was supposedly negotiating with Deutsche Bank.

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New Look: 50 Hudson Yards


50 Hudson Yards, image by Related

Along with an apparent redesign of 15 Hudson Yards, new details are out for 50 Hudson Yards, where SOM San Francisco is now attached. The actual design continues to change, and is far from set in stone, but the latest images show refinements to what was previously modeled, perhaps indicating that the supertall’s overall form is coming closer to being finalized.

50 Hudson Yards, image by Related

50 Hudson Yards will stand 1,068 feet tall, but will hold only 48 floors; ceiling heights will be unprecedented amongst office developments in New York City, and the wide-open floor-plates should also prove appealing, with the tower totaling 2.3 million square feet.

Besides interiors that will verge on incomparable, the building’s form is quite basic, with staggered setbacks defining a stacked set of rectangular boxes. Green space will be interspersed on terrace levels, and the base will front the future Hudson Boulevard, which will serve as the pedestrian spine of Midtown’s newest high-rise node.

Hudson Boulevard and 50 Hudson Yards, outlined in red, image by Related

Office prospects on the Far West Side have been slow to pick up, but with Time Warner set to anchor 30 Hudson Yards, momentum is now building. Once the first few towers open, the neighborhood’s entire feel will change, and with all the new amenities, additional buildings – like 50 Hudson Yards — should quickly catalyze the rest of the district.

Nearby, financing has been secured for 3 Hudson Boulevard, which will also be predominantly office. As more companies jump on the bandwagon, the overall pace of activity appears to be picking up, and the opening of the High Line’s third phase later this year won’t hurt, either.

50 Hudson Yards has a tentative completion date of 2019, pending financing and demolition of structures currently on-site, including a McDonald’s and the soon-to-be former Coach headquarters.

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It looks great! 20 characters…,

^^ lol

Yea I really like it. The entrance is kinda similar to Foster’s 425 Park to me.

JPMorgan eyeing office spaces on West Side, in NJ and Delaware

By Steve Cuozzo | August 11, 2014 | 5:11am

Photo: New York YIMBY

JPMorgan Chase has held talks with major developers about moving its headquarters from Park Avenue to the World Trade Center or the Far West Side — at the same time it is planning to move a “significant” number of employees out of town.

As part of an overall real estate reshuffle, the financial giant plans to move an unspecified number of its New York City employees to New Jersey and Delaware, insiders said, although headquarters and trading operations would remain in Manhattan.

No decision has yet been made to move from 270 Park Ave., the bank’s longtime home, and sources termed talks with developers “exploratory.” JPMorgan Chase declined to make an official comment.

But sources confirmed on condition of anonymity that the global giant is in the midst of a “comprehensive” review of its real estate strategy.

In recent months, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon has “kicked the tires” at Related Cos.’ 50 Hudson Yards, a proposed 1,110-foot-tall, 2.3-million-square-foot skyscraper at 504-522 W. 34th St. The land is now owned by Coach Inc., but Related is to buy it for $130 million once Coach moves to its new home at Related’s 10 Hudson Yards three blocks south.

The bank has also talked with Brookfield Properties about its Manhattan West project, and with Vornado Realty Trust about its Hotel Pennsylvania development site. (Vornado chief Steven Roth hinted last week he might have a tenant to get the project started.)

It’s also talked to WTC developers Larry Silverstein and the Port Authority and Durst Organization about anchoring the proposed 2 WTC, or taking space in near-finished 1 and 4 WTC or in under-construction 3 WTC.

Whether or not JPMorgan Chase moves to a new building, Dimon is looking to further prune his Manhattan real estate portfolio following the sale of One Chase Plaza to a Chinese company last year.


The Related site, for example, called 50 Hudson Yards, is a parcel west of 10th Avenue including the current home of Coach Inc. at 516 W. 34th St., which can be razed by Related and its partner Oxford Properties once Coach moves to its new tower.

Related has a “50 Hudson Yards” in planning stages for theoretical completion in 2019, but it would not be built without a tenant.

City and state officials are negotiating with JPMorgan Chase over a potential deal in which the nation’s largest bank would build a vast $6.5 billion corporate campus with two high-rise towers in the new commercial district on the Far West Side of Manhattan.

The talks, which involve one of the largest real estate complexes for a single company in New York City history and a large package of incentives for Chase, have reached a feverish state after nearly falling apart this week.

The negotiations are so delicate that few people are willing to discuss them publicly for fear of alienating one side or another.

But a deal with the bank poses political risks for both the state and the city. Chase had initially sought, by one account, more than $1 billion in concessions from the city and the state while it continues to pare its payroll in the city. According to executives and officials, Chase wants to build the two towers — whose total space would be the equivalent of about two Empire State Buildings — at Hudson Yards on the north side of 33rd Street, between 10th and 11th Avenues. They would become home to 16,000 employees.

…The bank, however, has insisted that the benefits from the proposed deal would outweigh the value of any concessions or subsidies, especially since Chase would have to buy development rights from the city and make certain annual payments in order to erect the towers.

The bank’s “wish list” of concessions, however, has shrunk significantly in recent days. And the talks have picked up momentum, although a deal is far from assured. State officials are creating a counteroffer.

There’s no way that the city would entertain a demand for a billion dollars in additional incentives at Hudson Yards,” said Alicia Glen, the deputy mayor for economic development. “We have always been willing to engage with them in a dialogue about how we could be helpful in making a move more feasible.”

…But Chase must also come to terms with Related, which owns the two sites where the bank hopes to build. The bank wants to buy the property but it does not necessarily want Related to build its new headquarters. Related recently suggested that Chase build one of the towers and occupy half of the Time Warner building, a plan that the bank is likely to reject.

Chase first approached city and state officials in June with the idea of building on the West Side property. Under the proposal, Chase would build a 62-story tower and a 40-story tower, for a total of nearly four million square feet.

“We don’t have a deal yet,” Related’s chairman, Stephen M. Ross, said on Thursday. “I don’t know if we can make one. A lot depends upon the city and the state.”

As is often the case in these kinds of deals, the bank drew up a lengthy list of possible concessions. Chase wanted to cut the mortgage recording tax, the transfer tax and sales taxes on construction materials. It also sought job-training grants, low-cost power from the state, an underground passageway between the two buildings that would require alterations to the newly built No. 7 subway station and financial help with reinforcing the foundation.

…The Bloomberg administration issued $3 billion in bonds to pay for parks, a new tree-lined boulevard and an extension of the No. 7 subway line from Times Square to the spot where Chase wants to build the new towers.

Officials at the time had assured skeptics that development fees and payments in lieu of taxes from new towers would cover the debt payments. But development has been slower than anticipated, prompting the city to take more than $130 million from the city budget to make the annual debt payments.


So from my understanding, either 50 or 55HY could be a completely redesigned tower if they actually buy it? Or both could be?

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Great news!


Sweet, the final piece of the assemblage is completed. Good riddance! sorry McD lovers. I really like the single supertall tower w/ multiple setbacks. I really hope this is what will rise.

I agree. That tower is great!

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This would be great news for the Big Apple . Such great news for NY would really disturb Antinimby and Cynicism.

The model of the two building set up at 50 HY has been removed from Related’s marketing center on 33rd and 10th.

I wonder if Related has a tenant.


I assume that this, Coach, and the other small pieces of S will be razed once Coach moves into 10 HY. That way, Related can move quickly at 50 HY once it has a tenant.

Shame JP Morgan didn’t consider one of these sites. Hopefully Related can fill it up and the other towers quickly or at least to the point where they can rise. 10 Hudson has been a tremendous success in terms of sales. 30 HY As well.

Ross wanted Chase to take the remaining space in 30 HY and 55 HY. Chase didn’t want that. I think that Chase will anchor Tishman’s HY tower.

Sha NA na na

Sha NA na na

Hey hey hey



Finally! I’d been waiting for this day for a long time. Ciao, McDonalds!!!

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Are all the buildings behind the McDonalds going to be demolished as well?