At last it’s gone.
Here’s the zoning diagram.
Thanks Robert
My pleasure, sir.
Has anyone been by here lately?
Can you tell if that’s the 47th or 48th St view? It looks decent.
considering this is an SLCE design I wouldn’t be surprised if its preliminary. They’re frequently architects on record and not the design architect.
I was wondering what was going on here. I walked by a week or two ago, and I noticed they hadn’t made any progress in at least four months.
Why are so many new hotels set back from the front lot building line? Upsets the streetscape. Anyone know? Thanks.
I think it generally just has to do with setback and streetwall height regulations and the sky exposure plane, the base of this one tries to join the streetwall but, as everyone is aware, a number of hotels in the city don’t and are just awkwardly setback from the streetwall.
How do the street wall and light rules work? Do you know? They seem counter productive in these hotel cases.
Street wall height and the sky exposure plane are specified for certain zoning districts, but I can’t atm speak to how the zoning is in this particular district.
For those specified districts, there is a min-max street wall height and a max allowable base height calculated from the angle of the sky exposure plane. There are also min required setbacks (this is normally on average 10’-15’ for the majority of cases I’ve seen, but changes depending on the zoning)