This would be the envy of many small cities.
For the record, I love Queens but…it’s like Archie Bunker formed a Bored of Architecture Council and was put in charge of development over there.
As a Queens resident I keep hoping for a signature tower. I’m not even asking for a supertall. I just want one that isn’t generic and boring af. All of these towers would have been nice…in Flushing… not across the river and viewable from Manhattan.
I disagree. They all look wonderful. I love seeing them from the earthcam. The massing looks great too.
I wonder how many of these towers were pushed through in anticipation of Amazon setting up shop there -
The Amazon plan was dumped five years ago. Certainly the more recent projects could have been delayed or ended in that time period, particularly with COVID rearing up in 2020, So I suspect many of the projects, especially residential ones, went ahead with high hopes in spite of the Amazon pullout.
A post was merged into an existing topic: NEW YORK | 180 Ashland Place (98 DeKalb Avenue) | 610 FT | 49 FLOORS
I think this is in the wrong thread.
You’re right, sorry
I can’t move my post to the right thread at the moment.
Maybe 180 Ashland wants to join his/her family in LIC
I’ll give you the massing, yes.
Due to technical difficulties…
Citibank building looks so much more elegant than anything else in LIC -
Pics by Michael Young
I hope we will get another new next tallest in Long Island in the near future.