That’s kind of an old image from around June or July, I think that should be noted. Is the 520 5th Ave image from the same video still (since it still shows excavating)?
Fixed your post RW.
Image should show now.
Thanks, Chris.
That’s correct.
Hopefully they’ll decide the form they’re going eith soon. Hopefully residential
Why a residential tower?
@JC_Heights I dont think it is lol, it’s been going down in odd intervals, but from the last dated update the 2 recent floors each took about 2 weeks, which seems kind of slow for a building of this size (relatively small). At that rate, it would take some 3-4 more months to completely demolish, I’d hope to think it wouldnt take that long though.
@007 I’m not judging mcart, but he likes tall buildings/proposals, and the mixed-use residential hotel option would yield the taller proposal.
The residential tower is larger, thank you
I would not be surprised if Extell buys the corner building.
@007 the mixed-use option is taller but not larger, the commercial option is the larger one in floor area.
@robertwalpole in the event that that does happen, it’d unfortunately set this project back by a lot. Even if it was somehow integrated, a lot of things would still have to change plan wise and be demolished. I’d prefer for it to just stay so something can begin to rise sooner than later. In the case that it is bought, I cant imagine that KPF would change the overall design that much since it’s really not taking up that much space.
I love that old building. It needs some TLC.
If it wouldn’t change the footprint much, then maybe Gary will pass.
I hope that he builds the hotel/condo. I prefer that design. Also, a very high-end hotel would help to improve this lame stretch of Fifth and might encourage other owners like Stawski and Silverstein to redevelop their crappy buildings.
That glass tower in the back is awesome, it’s always caught my eye. We need a tower like that in Philly!
that is also an Extell Development.
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