Renderings are a bit blurry but I kinda like it! I love the fact that it’s curvy compared to the rest of the WTC towers, full of sharp angles. I’m not so sure about the outdoor gardens sections though…
Let’s just say that it’s… different! Completely different from the initial “toliet” design (thank God) but also from that generic design which appeared on signs around the site a few years ago (I really liked that design).
Another rendering from Five World Trade Center's 900-Foot-Tall Redesign by Kohn Pedersen Fox Revealed, in Manhattan's Financial District - New York YIMBY
I like the “window frame” cladding at the base, which gives it a human scale next to the park/plaza, but I do not like it for the main mass of the tower. It clashes with the clean, crystalline treatment of WTC 1, 3 and 4 — you could argue those all-glass facades are boring but I guarantee they will age more gracefully than this.
I trust the architects and.I want to see more detailed renderings before I judge. I think a key factor is the type of cladding— here it would be unthinkable not to use unitized curtain wall panels, that just happen to have more of a windowing effect.
Buildings which aren’t using unitized curtain wall and aren’t brick are pretty much guaranteed to look like trash in the future.
YIMBY once again proves to be the BBC of skyscrapernews.
I like how it looks from the back, but the front looks like a trainwreck. That shoulder it has looks nice when it runs most of the building’s height, but not otherwise. I feel like the major design flaw it has is that it doesn’t really have a crown, it just pops back, and ends out of nowhere.
I do like how they have a small walkway where Cedar Street used to be a million years ago. The old Deutsche Bank Building had a similar walkway through it.
I feel like this building is backwards. Like it has its giant shoulder with its back turned away from Jersey. Which is weird when the other buildings both face the memorial and Jersey respectively. Even BIGs mess of blocks.
It could be saved if it was literally just flipped around.
I actually like the design iteration before this one better.
i’m surprised they still haven’t updated the WTC wesbite with a page for this tower.
seems Silverstein finally got around to it 5WTC
Not completely relevant to the plans for 5 WTC, but I did add it to my World Trade Center in Minecraft. It was a bit difficult relying on a few renders but I think it’s somewhat decent.
“5/10 Land Use, Zoning & Economic Development Committee – 6p
5 World Trade Center – Presentation by Empire State Development Corporation BIG DEAL. SEE THE LAST UPDATE HERE.”
I hope this tower is approved at at least 920’. But where is 2 WTC?!
My OCD is killing me, THERES NO 6 WTC!!!
Just think of the Performing Arts Center as the unofficial 6 WTC. Regardless there will be 7 buildings again.
Public forum tonight discussing the affordable housing