NEW YORK | 270 Park Ave | 1,389 FT | 70 FLOORS

Pics of lower levels


More or less appears that the trading floors are being fitted out as suspected.

On another note,
I think the arrangement of lights on the N/S facing columns will be interesting to visualize since the lights don’t go all the way down the column cladding and aren’t on all the N/S column. And the current location of those lights matches how the tower is depicted in the video that was posted when the renders first came out.

Those lights (along with the general crown lighting) are also shown with a gradient, which i think would look better than if they were just lit at the same intensity all the time, though that feature may of course change with different lighting schemes/holidays/etc. So I’m excited for them to start being tested.


Anytime I walk into a home w/o dimmers, I always implore the owner to consider the gradient factor. Lighting dynamics, people, lighting dynamics!


Big update from NYguy on SSP.



truly stunning photography.

Great pictures! I have a feeling this building will end up looking a lot better from the inside than from the outside…



The Fosters



It is conceivable that a derrick could now be erected to dismantle the tower crane.


Yes, that is a derrick crane :+1:t2:


This building is a monster.

The first of many to come.

It is morning in America and New York.


going to be a heck of a reach for that timberland derrick to the heavy components of that crane. I wonder if they will need more than one derrick location.

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I’m not trying to hate on this tower but lots of the material (yes I know they used lots from the previous union carbide building but still) looks low quality. especially the area outside of the lobby. (I also know its still under construction too, but so is 520 5th ave. and it looks nicer still)

Things I’ve noticed:

  • lots of panels on certain parts look like they were simply hammered on, which would be fine but this is a 3bn dollar skyscraper
  • the steel beams in a lot of areas are spray painted SPRAY PAINTED FOR CRYING OUT LOUD
  • using WOOD in the lobby area (close to rotting wood at that) and sure they are gonna cover it up but still… wood
  • Expense WAS SPARED
  • metal poles and other structural pieces that are already added to the building are laid out on and in the tower likes its a second rate 2 story building in Kaufman Texas

Its sounds like you’re making out things that are temporary or actual construction related equipment to be the actual finished product because I haven’t seen any of the things you’re listing.

Also nothing from the Union Carbide building was upcycled to be used here, it was all recycled not repurposed.


I understand not all of it is going to be part of the building like I said “already added”

I didn’t say repurposed

What you originally said translates into repurposing parts, nothing on the current building that is visible above ground is from Union Carbide. So no, they did not use lots from Union Carbide.

Still, nothing on your list of things is permanent, so you are judging things that do not belong to the actual finished building.

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bruh look at the difference in how 520 5th is being built and how 270 is being built, notice the expense being spared? or even any of the hudson yards towers when they were under construction

You’re comparing a concrete construction site to a steel construction site, there will not be reciprocal methods used, and your reasoning still doesnt justify your judgement of either incomplete building because you are still judging the construction, not the actual building.