California Transit projects

Plans call for adding five new stations along a 144-mile corridor

Steven Sharp
Urbanize Los Angeles
July 18, 2022

Following a public hearing held on July 13, the Riverside County Transportation Commission has adopted a service plan for a new passenger rail link between the Coachella Valley and Los Angeles.

The proposed Coachella Valley-San Gorgonio Pass corridor would span approximately 144 miles, linking the City of Coachella with Union Station in Downtown Los Angeles. Under current plans, two daily round trip trains
would serve the corridor, including one morning departure and one afternoon departure.

Between Los Angeles and the City of Colton, the rail line would make use of existing tracks owned by BNSF and Metro, as well as stations in Fullerton and Riverside. Moving east into San Bernardino County, the new
passenger rail service hinges on upgrades to the Union Pacific Railroad Yuma Subdivision, including the addition of a third main line track, new crossovers and sidings, a new railroad bridge at the Santa Ana River,
and various other infrastructure and grade separation projects.

Likewise, plans call for the construction of up to five new stations within Riverside County, supplementing an existing stop in Palm Springs. The new stations would be located in or near:
the Loma Linda/Redlands area;
the communities of Beaumont, Banning, and Cabazon;
near Cathedral City, Thousand Palms, Agua Caliente Casino, Rancho Mirage, and Palm Desert; and
the City of Indio;
the City of Coachella.
While the adoption of a service plan is a key milestone, more planning remains - including additional environmental documentation relating to the construction of the proposed infill stations and new main line track.

An official project website does not list an anticipated timeline for delivery, although it has previously been reported that the range of improvements would cost approximately $1 billion
and could begin construction within 10 years of completing its environmental study.

This will be easier to keep track of the transit projects going on in LA. Also I’ll actually be able to post on here vs the general thread.


Now that would be a fun ride to the festival :crazy_face:!

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Amtrak already goes to Palm Springs - :thinking:

Because the Palm Springs railway station is located in a region that frequently experiences the haboob, service is often suspended.


Former mayor at the construction staging yard for the Purple (D Line) Extension’s Wilshire/Westwood Station, where excavation is taking place under the street decking. Photo by Aurelia Ventura/Metro.


They’re going full out!

New bus station in Redondo Beach, CA


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It’s good they’re doing something about this. This park has been a sketchy area for decades. Look at how Michael Douglas was hassled there in 1992:


Vaporware update

The Altamont Corridor Express is a pathetic commuter-rail line that currently runs four trains weekday mornings from Stockton to San Jose and four trains weekday afternoons from San Jose back to Stockton. No reverse commute, no off-peak, no weekend service. It’s better than nothing, but not by much. But in these auto-obsessed valleys, that’s all they can get away with as far as inter-regional rail passenger transit goes.

Now they are spending lots of money to extend it both ways from Stockton, up to Sacramento and down to Merced. Stockton, a semi-habitable pit of decrepitude and despair that is somehow home to a third of a million denizens, is a bit of a rail hub for the Central Valley, with two train stations and lines running every which way but only a few trains a day to Oakland, Sacramento, Bakersfield and the like.

Will this ever happen? Sadly most rail projects in this part of California end up being vaporware, stuck in the press-release phase. See the proposed station in Oakley, to the left of Stockton? Nothing but crickets for years…

That’s a nice little airport.

It is my go to airport, direct to JFK via Jet Blue.

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I used to use it a lot too.


The Antelope Valley line is a Metrolink (commuter rail) line linking downtown Los Angeles’ Union Station to Palmdale and Lancaster in the High Desert. It’s actually not too bad as far as Metrolink goes, as it even has off-peak, reverse-peak and weekend service. There’s no express service, and nearly all trains run the whole line, though there are some on weekdays that only run as far as (or begin their inbound journey at) Via Princessa in Santa Clarita. Last train leaves Union Station for Lancaster at 9:39pm on weekdays and 8:53pm on weekends.

An infill station is being built at Vista Canyon in Santa Clarita. Per update from Santa Clarita’s city manager, it will open soon:

The Vista Canyon Multi-Modal Transit Center is also nearing completion and will bring a fourth Metrolink station to Santa Clarita, as well as a Santa Clarita Transit bus transfer station. Construction is wrapping up on the Metrolink station, which will soon join the Antelope Valley Line and take riders as far north as Lancaster or as far south as Union Station in Los Angeles.

Once the project is complete, residents in Vista Canyon and the surrounding area will have convenient public transportation options to get anywhere they need to go in Santa Clarita and beyond. Please be on the lookout in upcoming weeks for information on a grand opening event and the start of service at the Vista Canyon Metrolink Station.


source: About | Vista Canyon

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