Continuing the discussion from STAMFORD, CT. | Stamford Core Redevelopment:
Harbor Point developer applies for zoning approval for mixed-use development south of I-95
Gateway proposal includes 2 office buildings, 200 housing units
By Elizabeth Kim, Staff Writer
Published 10:15 pm, Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Photo: Contributed Photo
STAMFORD – The developer of Harbor Point has requested zoning approvals for an $80 million mixed-used development on a roughly six-acre lot bordering Washington Boulevard and the Metro-North Railroad platform.
Known as Gateway, the project calls for 474,000 square feet of commercial space in two 10-story office buildings and 200 housing units, of which 25 will be built in the first phase. In keeping with the requirements of the zone, known as the Transportation Center Design District, 12 percent of the residences will be designated as affordable.
The property lies just south of Interstate 95, at a high-profile nexus of downtown Stamford that includes the RBS and UBS complexes.
“It is our view that this corner is a very important corner as you arrive in Stamford,” said John Freeman, a spokesman for the developer, Building and Land Technology. “Our development will complement UBS, RBS and Metro Center by completing the fourth corner at this key intersection, with a development that creates a real destination for rail commuters and pedestrians.”
Led by Carl Kuehner, the Norwalk-based development firm estimates that Gateway will generate about $4 million in annual property taxes and more than $1 million in zoning permitting fees.
Preliminary versions of the project were first unveiled last summer. In October, Building and Land Technology won a critical approval for a request to change the city’s master plan after announcing that it had a potential tenant for 250,000 square feet of office space.