Old Skyscraper Renderings and Construction

Mellon Bank Center, Philadelphia

Early model based off sketch (@Mackensen posted another perspective of this same model)

Images from the Philadelphia Inquirer when the tower was first revealed in August 1986, shows the 880 foot 62-story design

Two new images found in Kohn Pedersen Fox 1976-1986 by Paul Goldenberger
The models show the final design, but still with the 880 foot figure. This updated model appears on the same model city layout seen above. I was not aware about this, this is why these books are highly significant to me

Finally, an elevation from the same book. Final design at 880 feet, the roof height of One Liberty Place just under the spire is 885 feet. By 1987, the final design was shortened to 824 feet, and in October 1989 the tower topped out

Model of the final design