Im not opposed to these measure but we really need a timeframe established to cut out some of the uncertainty that is causing hysteria. We really shouldn’t have to assume the emergency will last indefinitely. That’s the real danger and why so many businesses have preemptively laid off employees. I hope it will be rescinded in April otherwise we’re probably fucked. New York and California closed for business for multiple weeks. Unimaginable. I was skeptical about the long term effects this virus would have a few weeks ago, but now I really fear for my generation. This could be the final nail in the coffin for millenials still vying to make something of themselves.
I agree 100%. California declaring shelter in place without any sense of time frame given is downright reckless. Imagine if you’re running Apple or Google, with specific deadlines on software, hardware launches with hundreds of billions on the line, and your local government says your employees can’t come to work “for the foreseeable future”— no wonder we have a stock market crash…
And that’s to say nothing of all the poor folks who are completely fucked by this. I don’t know what I’d do if I was getting paid by the hour— it seems like the states expect those people to just curl up silently and die.
Someone should ask the virus to issue a press release that lists a timeframe.
IMG_9456 by Dennis Fraevich, on Flickr
This interview shows how critical the issue is at the moment and why it important for the average person to follow the guidelines so that healthcare workers can save lives.
“ As the number of coronavirus cases rapidly rise in New York City, healthcare workers are bracing themselves for an expected deluge of cases amid the outbreak. NewsHour Weekend Special Correspondent Karla Murthy spoke with Dr. Alexis Langsfeld, who works in an emergency room at a New York City hospital, about her personal experiences.”
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced Tuesday that a plan to open up specific streets for exercise will start in each of the five boroughs Thursday, as much of the city remains closed due to the coronavirus.
The pilot program will open up to two streets per borough and be enforced by the NYPD, the mayor said.
New York on hold
IMG_9772 by Dennis Fraevich, on Flickr
IMG_9721 by Dennis Fraevich, on Flickr
IMG_9422 by Dennis Fraevich, on Flickr
Fifth Ave
IMG_0733 by Dennis Fraevich, on Flickr
IMG_0770 by Dennis Fraevich, on Flickr
IMG_0494 by Dennis Fraevich, on Flickr
Sixth Ave
IMG_0669 by Dennis Fraevich, on Flickr
Carnegie Hall/Billionaire’s Row
IMG_0607 by Dennis Fraevich, on Flickr
IMG_0611 by Dennis Fraevich, on Flickr
I wonder if this leaves the door open to luxury projects with on-site affordable housing?
- Essential construction may continue and includes roads, bridges, transit facilities, utilities, hospitals or health care facilities, affordable housing, and homeless shelters. At every site, if essential or emergency non-essential construction, this includes maintaining social distance, including for purposes of elevators/meals/entry and exit. Sites that cannot maintain distance and safety best practices must close and enforcement will be provided by the state in coordination with the city/local governments. This will include fines of up to $10,000 per violation.
- For purposes of this section construction work does not include a single worker, who is the sole employee/worker on a job site.
Watch luxury condos suddenly decide to add affordable housing components on lower floors…
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