NEW YORK | Upper East Side - Madison Ave

These photos are of Madison Ave in the 60s and. 70s and of some side streets between Madison and Fifth.

They show the grandeur of NY, which non-NY based, American mods on SSC are so intimidated by. Que sera. They’re putzes, who jerk off together on Skpe.


The monster looming over the classic, old buildings on Park.

Although it’s not the UES, I’m including this bonus shot of Midtown in the Plaza District

Although it’s not the UES, I couldn’t resist this “money shot” of One57. It won’t look so “alone” for much longer.



Not the UES, but I wanted to share this peaceful photo of the L.I. Sound.

Beautiful photos of a beautiful city! Thanks for sharing, Bob!

My pleasure, Lion. It’s waiting for you, amigo!

Architecture in the UES from 5th Ave to 3rd Ave are gems. Too bad East of 3rd Ave to the East for the most part is a different story.

I agree, VG. That’s true.

Some great photos Mr.Walpole. I was there yesterday and took an extensive walking tour with two foreign exchange students. One was Russian (So hot btw), and a portion of the tour involved exploring neighborhoods with art-deco architecture. These mid-rises are the real beauty of NYC. Works of art and a lot of them go unnoticed but really show the progression of architecture from the early 20th century to the 21st as they intermingle with the new glass towers. Its a ubiquitous relationship which not many cities can say that they have. Also, 432 Park Avenue looks amazing from the ground level. It really is freakishly tall, and to think that it still has some 200 ft to go! I can see why some non-ny mods can get intimidated. :smile:


“One was Russian (So hot btw)”

Of course … question is, what you waiting for? :wink:

On topic, I really adore 432 PA’s presence. Like a giant looming over the plateau - an incredible sight.

I like that story.

That would get you in trouble on SSC though. They’re only happy when guys from Poland and the Midwest jerk off together on Skype.

Good one, Amigo. I hope that Chris gets the Russian tang!