NEW YORK | Second Avenue Subway

This new subway is fantastic!! Top notch quality!

I’m so happy that this is finally operational plus I can now enjoy riding a lesser crowded No. 6! smiley:


Wow great photos and updates. Looks neat and I’m glad that this opened as the MTA said in their latest update. Still haven’t gotten a ride on it, but hopefully soon enough.


Great photos, Street. This looks amazing.

PS: I don’t care about the next section to 125th. That would simply provide entry points for crack heads. I’d feel only slightly safer on 125th and 2nd Ave than I would in Aleppo.

Further, most people north of 96th St aren’t rushing to work in a crowded subway in the morning. They’re at home collecting NY’s generous welfare payments. Thus, there’s no burning need for the next link.

I’d much prefer to see this extended to the southern tip of Manhattan.


I got a good laugh at the people north of 96th street. Its true. Kinda the life when you think about it for them. And some of these folks have rent controlled apartments. How nice!

Wanted to ask, how is the crowding on this new line? I haven’t had the chance yet to ride it. Fox5 was saying that its crowded. I’d imagine as people plan their commutes differently now that its open. A friend of mine whos up on the UES, on 86th, this is a game changer for him. Will shorten the commute by like 20 minutes.

This is disgusting.


" The former real estate developer also said he wanted to see the costly Second Avenue subway line finally finished.

“I’ve been driving over those boards for many years, for decades,” he said of the temporary road coverings over the underground excavation and construction work."

Aren’t they expanding the second avenue subway even more? I think 3 more stations after 96th Street.

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Phase 2 is currently in development. There will be two additional phases, though, as the SAS will eventually head down to Water Street near the Battery.


Sad there’s no will to just build the shit.


Well yeah. See ya in another 100 years T train.

Biden is very pro-transit. I have no doubt this will be completed.


As long as Biden wins. If he doesn’t NYC is F***KED as are other Democrat run cities.

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I think so too. But there is an “if” there. A shame Cuomo and Deblasio are alienating Trump for the political game after how supportive of infrastructure improvements he was and how he fast tracked PPE production and distribution for New York when we needed it most. Now he wants to punish us.

Investing in 21st century infrastructure, energy and communications is good way out of the Covid slump.


Fuck democrats and republicans, Debalsio needs to get the fuck out and cuomo is a bitch. I’m sorry but all of them needs to get out. Everything is politics and they don’t care.


This is completely wrong. The 2017 Trump budget slashed funding for NYC area transit projects including the Hudson River tunnel and the 2nd Ave. subway. He’s been playing politics with federal funding since the beginning.

Somehow, someway the Portal Bridge project got federal funding-- probably thanks to Murphy, and thanks to Trump’s golf club being in New Jersey.

I doubt Cuomo wants ownership of the project either. He knows the lessons of Robert Moses: build bridges, not tunnels.


Being supportive of infrastructure improvements and actually spending the money and doing it (which he didn’t) are two very different things.

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Sorry everybody, just hate it makes my blood boil

Even if Biden wins, Congress is not going to give NYC money. There’s considerable antipathy directed at NY in Washington.