NEW YORK | Penn Station Expansion/Improvements

Yeah I like that in concept — homage can be really great! Just sticking vaguely historical towers onto the corners of a domed PoMo addition with no historical antecedent ain’t it.


That photo is a fantastic Architectural blast-from-the-past. However, that is exactly where all “traditional” architecture needs to stay - IN THE PAST.

I think both of the ‘Historical Recreations’ posted above are quite lovely to behold: artistic, tasteful, aesthetically exceptional. The only issue I have is these buildings need to be modern architecture , not classical/traditional architecture - otherwise the final results are sub-optimal IMHO.

Here is another stadium that is all of that it terms of beauty; and also excels in meeting the ‘brief/program’ requirements of a modern day stadium.

To my mind; the optimal solution for any type of new building is Modernism.

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You could make the argument that Neo-Traditionalism a la RAMSA, by being a modern and innovative interpretation of past traditions, is in itself a contemporary style and not anachronistic. There is not hard delineation between ‘old’ and ‘new’ architecture.

You wouldn’t call Baroque architecture in the 17th century anachronistic just because it borrowed stylistic elements from Roman architecture.


I’m with you. The entire history of “new” architecture is a history of iteration. There are more neo- movements than I care to count. Nothing wrong with that.

But the above design is trying to both reconstruct the original Penn to exacting historic specifications and add a structure on top of it that aims for historicity but which McKim, Mead and White would never have dreamed of.

If you want to rebuild the original, rebuild it with the level of exactitude that they’re rebuilding Notre Dame. But capping an exacting historical replica with a faux-historical extension is where uncanny valley lies for me.

(FWIW, my preference is for MSG to move, rendering this conversation about marrying old and new moot. The comparison I was going to make was, “How would they rebuild Notre Dame if an apartment block had been built on the roof after its burned down.” But that only really serves to illustrate how insane this MSG/Penn situation actually is.)


Agreed. FWIW I was not necessarily defending this particular design, I don’t really love it. I also don’t think that we can no longer build using traditional architecture because we are now in ‘modern times’.


I just want MSG out of/away from Penn Station.


Just me but that green ceiling is not the look.

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Excellent news!

They will be reopening in the same location where they used to be in the LIRR concourse. The “Tracks Bar” that opened on the ground floor of the delipidated multistory carpark on 31st Street across the street from MSG will remain, but it will be rebranded.

Another “Tracks Bar” is expected to open at Grand Central Madison at some point within the next year or so.


The future of one idea to improve New York Penn Station’s hellish rush hour overcrowding will have to wait until the future, said experts at a forum held at NYU Monday.The concept, called “through running,” has been proposed by two advocacy groups.

But it got a thumbs down for the present time, said a consultant who studied the idea for Amtrak and the Long Island RailRoad, and NJ Transit.

Three versions of through running studied that included no or minor Penn Station expansion fell short, delivering less than 48 trains an hour in the peak commuting period, Nichols said.


Is the WSP report published? I’d be interested in reading it

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That is a terrifying AI generated image…

I have no clue what was going on but there was a bunch of scaffolding inside the interior EEG entrance which was extremely inconvenient because it closed down the stair and the 2nd down escalator was down so there was only one way up and down. Not sure if it was for maintenance or cleaning, but it needs to go, quickly.

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Fun light fixtures -

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Free rides for a week!

Does this include EWR Airtrain?



They didn’t describe how you can take advantage of the free rides so unless you just show up on the train without a ticket I’m unsure how the “free rides” really will work and how that plays into EWR Airtrain since you need to scan a physical ticket to access it from the train station.

If they just set the ticket machines to charge you $0 when getting a ticket then yes it likely will work with the AirTrain. If they can make them work with the ridiculous fare hike, they can easily make them give free tickets for a week.

I doubt the Port Authority will honor the New Jersey governor’s transit freebie giveaway. But it’s anyone’s guess.

Here’s another question - what about Metro North trains on the Port Jervis and Pascack Valley lines that are operated by NJ Transit? Will those be free? Once you cross the NY-NJ state line it’s Metro North, even if you’re on a NJ Transit train.

I can’t find information anywhere.

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I’d assume Metro North won’t be free since it’s not NJ Transit or it’s only free for NJ destinations and I doubt the Port Authority will honour the free rides for the AirTrain, they’re greedy like that.

You’re also right there’s no information about how you even take advantage of the free trips. The only way to find out is to go ride NJ Transit and see what works or not.