I passed by the other day. I wasn’t able to snap a photo, but the landscaping is looking really full and nice. The billboard is still a huge disappointment.
Only if you look it from that side - It is awful from 18th street
I agree, I wonder why they didnt decide to do something on both sides, I wonder if it was because its proximity to the lower units at Lantern House.
Imagine buying an expensive apt and have your view being the back of a billboard.
The lights illuminating the billboard will be another nuisance. Those bright halogen lights will be shining in the windows all night.
I have come to better understand the need for ‘community activism’ - particularly when it comes to foolish decisions like that billboard that impact the quality-of-life for people who live in the area.
Maybe something like THIS would help.
I do like the pavers, and garden sections of that new ‘vest-pocket’ park.
This reminds me of the Richard Serra sculpture downtown that they wound up removing because it was a huge impediment to the area.
It also reminds me of this crap - just a couple of blocks away
Years ago, the neighbors were fighting against the blight - the Hotel said they were planning to feature some art installation on it (sounds familiar) it never happen. It looks awful and really out of place.
My god man, just imagine how the billboard feels! 1980s Benetton ads were more sophisticated than this.
That Serra completely negated the best part of the plaza - the view. It just didn’t belomg there. I liked the Serra at the exit of the Holland tunnel
This one remains one of my favorite new projects; and it is almost done. I got the photo scoop on the small public park along side the One High Line condo.
The green netting is still on all the fences; but found some good spots to capture these progress photos.
BTW. I have 49 other posts on this topic. Click on my infoshare tag above to see all my other photos/comments/links in this thread.
I conceptually understand the art billboard, but it sucks for the people living directly behind it in Lantern House. They could have had a pleasant view of a new plaza, but instead they get the backside of this billboard.
That billboard should be removed: it’s a blight on the area.
Wonder if anyone has purchased apts in the Heatherwick building facing the back of the billboard. I think that would require a hefty discount.
Somebody clever might buy and rent them out in hopes the billboard gets removed.