NEW YORK | New York Ocean Barrier

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^What I like most isn’t just the huge state and federal sponsored projects, but everything being done to individual developments. Developers are inherently designing resiliency into their projects these days.


" The Army Corps emphasizes the fact that the proposal and renderings are preliminary, with room for changes that might include integrating natural solutions, such as marsh or oyster restoration–and that now is the time to make those changes. Bryce Wisemiller, the Army Corps’ New York district project manager, told THE CITY:"

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I hope this is VERY preliminary - the walls look awful

This a joke?

Why would this be a joke?

This problem is not a joke, and it has to be addressed seriously.
On the other hand, the lack of trying evidently on the solution presented here is almost insulting.

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Most seawalls are inherently plain/ugly because they are often just concrete walls. One very seldom sees uniquely designed or decorated seawalls and there’s not much that can be done to stray away from concrete in the areas where they are planned. Murals and other sorts of things can be added to them, but I expect them to be just concrete walls. Could also add green walls to them, but then maintenance becomes an issue.

The already built seawall next to StuyTown has a fairly nice 3D wavelike “texture”. I’m sure something like this could be implemented in other areas as well, im sure the ACE just doesn’t have time or staff to model stuff like that.

By NYC gov


Apologies, just aghast - the problem is very real. Those walls are bad enough to be a joke - assumed after years and years (including Rebuild by Design that brought in… I don’t know how many designers) that they would be more thoughtful here…


The solutions they are implementing on the lower east side of manhattan are 1000% much better - integrating landscaping into the solution.
As i said, I hope this are VERY preliminary - These renderings look like they were created to incite a reaction in the general public more than anything


“The Army Corps emphasizes the fact that the proposal and renderings are preliminary, with room for changes that might include integrating natural solutions, such as marsh or oyster restoration”

These are just the very preliminary stages. The walls can be changed.


Integrating some marsh/oyster beds would be amazing if they could pull that off. I for one love some fried oysters and cocktail sauce, crackers too? Man, they’re delicious! Anyway, I don’t really care how the walls look, as long as they are high enough to keep the water out and stay up for a long time.

Well…that is a bizarre PR strategy; showing images where they consider walling out the Hudson River Park shouldn’t even be an option.

I can already see these walls full of graffiti.


Tag em up, baby!


Well I mean it’s not technically their job to make it look pretty, they were asked to design a system that protects and that’s what it does.

It will go through revisions and will look better in time.

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Looks like the Berlin wall. Agree that it almost feels designed to incite outrage… they even put a dirty texture on the concrete? Not even just flat gray? I mean, come on.

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HA! I also picked on the dirty texture!

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Couldnt they face it with brick or something and do like a planter on top? these are ugly as sin. ( i know its preliminary, but damn)

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