The quality of the materials will make a big difference.
I hope they redevelop the open space at the ground level; it was a mess.
I agree. Green space would complement 111 Murray’s.
What really needs to go is that sad box BNY Mellon calls their headquarters.
I agree.
More infill around the entrance of the Manhattan Bridge in Brooklyn, steadily stitching back the urban fabric in this area
I didn’t realize there wasn’t a thread on the Brooklyn Bridge revitalization/rehab project.
Nice captures, I was wondering how this was coming along. I only wish something could be done about the hideous on/off access ramps to the bridge, they absolutely hide the beautiful structure of the bridge! The space would be much more pleasant without them.
I don’t remember if there was a thread for this.
And no, before it’s asked or a theoretical thread is made for it, this building is landmarked so there will not be another development replacing it.
landmark status…
too bad but okay.
That looks gorgeous. I recall someone posting that R&W has a building in the works that has not yet been disclosed. I think that it was in the Flatiron.
The details on that rendering look gorgeous.
I think that R&W is one of the very best firms.
P.S.: If all of the white brick buildings installed black, mullioned windows, they’d look really good.
Yes, please.
What they did to the lobby is criminal. The LPC is a joke.
I remember reading somewhere that the LPC justified its actions because the lobby was an 1980’s renovation but I have no clue if that’s accurate or not…
Yep, that’s the updated design .