REVEALED: 290-Foot Cantilevering Condo Coming to Hudson Square/West Soho
A development site at Greenwich and Charlton Streets promises to be among the first to bear fruit from Hudson Square’s 2013 rezoning. Images uncovered on the website of Fernando Romero EnterprisE (FR-EE) detail a 26-floor, 116-unit condominium along the quiet commercial edge of the neighborhood. The L-shaped lot is owned by the developer Cape Advisors, whose forward-thinking projects include 100 Eleventh Avenue and One Kenmare Square.
According to the New York Observer, the 57,500-square-foot warehouse at 537-545 Greenwich Street was purchased along with 42,500 square feet of additional air rights this past spring for the sum of $52 million. The 2013 rezoning allows for as-of-right residential development in the hope of turning the sleepy area into a more vibrant mixed-use neighborhood.
A height limit of 290 feet was set along major avenues and 210 feet on narrower side streets. This partly explains FR-EE’s vigorous use of cantilevering projections and the tower’s energetic, blossoming form. Since the additional air rights from neighboring properties could not be utilized vertically a la “billionaire’s row” the architects masterfully disguised the potentially hulking and jarring horizontal protrusions with a billowing form blown by the Hudson’s hearty down-river winds.
The architects also note: “The cantilevered floors exemplify the strategy of having more square feet in the most profitable area, while also generating outdoor spaces and unique interior layouts.” Amenities will also include on-site parking and a common garden.
I think that design is out and this not as good one is in.
seems the new design is confirmed, bummer.
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the eastern face is very attractive. Some art deco going on here.
didn’t know this was so far U/C.
NY Island by Ian Pears, on Flickr
From Pier A Park, Hoboken
Greenwich West Officially Tops Out At 110 Charlton Street, In Hudson Square
After breaking ground back in July of 2018 and rising 30 floors in only six months, Greenwich Westhas officially topped-out over Hudson Square, in Lower Manhattan. Located at 110 Charlton Street, the new residential tower will have 170 residences, which already launched sales this past fall. The project is one of the tallest buildings in the area, and will have views of the Hudson River, Lower Manhattan, and the Midtown skyline. Strategic Capital, Cape Advisors, and Forum Absolute Capital Partners are the developers, while Loci Anima and Adamson Associates are the designers.
A rooftop terrace will come with multiple lounges and seating areas featuring sweeping views of New York and the Hudson River, making it a great spot for sunsets and entertainment. Other amenities include a 24-hour attended lobby, onsite resident manager and porter, and handyman staff.
Only in NY can they sell multi-million dollar apartments in a building located next to a broken down tenement and across the street from FILTHY warehouses.
yeah, but this is also going to be Google-Disney Town in a couple of years.
really hope that those crappy warehouses on Washington are redeveloped.
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Aren’t there concepts for those?