NEW YORK | 418 11th Avenue | ? FT | ? FLOORS

No, that isn’t.

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350 Park Ave wouldn’t meet the majority of the requirements for even the old RFP for the site as it only has office space. Design wise, it almost looks like 3 Hudson Blvd.

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it was just a thought of mine…

that Foster can also design a skyscraper for 418 11th Ave.



I thought it was a different word, but you could’ve edit it to “Foster”, like what @TKDV has did for you.

However, I won’t be surprised if Foster is one of the bidders for this site.

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If Vornado was one of the potential bidders of the original 5-6 I’d definitely imagine seeing them working with Foster since they’ve been doing that for just about every single of their major projects.

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To recap (I kind of forgot), but when or what are the chances can we see some news of the potential bidders showing their designs?

I’d say probably never, but that depends on the new RFP, who bids for it, and who is chosen, because developers and firms probably wouldn’t release and info/images as it relates to their proposals until someone’s design is actually chosen as they will have no reason to with hold anything if they are not chosen, unless they just so choose to not release any material. It was Peebles Co’s decision to make their proposal public, nobody forced them too,(for clear publicity and brownie points in my view), the other developers clearly did not want to release anything just to end up not being chosen.

TLDR, stuff probably wont be released by “all” the potential developers (if at all) until someone is actually chosen to develop the site.


Aww that sucks! Now we won’t know how their designs look.

Correct me if I’m mistaken, but unless this site is completely on hold, then I think there’s a chance Affirmation Tower might be the chosen one?

I wouldn’t necessarily say so. As I mentioned, they made their proposal public on their own accord, the state isn’t the one who made it public, and that doesn’t give them any leverage over any of the 5 other original developers from the old RFP, nor anyone bidding once the new RFP is released.

The site being on hold isn’t necessarily an indicator of who is chosen unless there was a situation that a developer was chosen and then it was their fault that the site became so (on hold). But no one has been chosen yet/the site isn’t really on hold, and we still have to wait for the new RFP to be released.

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Ah I see, but still what a predicament for this site.

Hopefully it’ll be all worth it once the new RFP is finally released

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I think… some supertalls are coming in Midtown West.

may the future begin soon…



there are things that you…

… have to wait a long long time.

Hudson Yards Phase Two also has a very long wait.

Midtown east is the future not Midtown west

the site will remain empty for at least many years

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:face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

@TKDV I don’t know what to say here at this point

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I just think…

that it is no more.

@NewYorkCity76 No need to say anything honestly. :+1:

I’m certain that @007 is using his favorite term unbuilt to mean that Affirmation Tower is a possible proposal that may be built in the future and not how he has previously used it to mean a cancelled project (many of which are not).

Either way, I personally don’t believe speculation is a justifiable reason to bump a thread, and to just say the same thing repeatedly. Honestly in a similar manner to how Peebles Co. keeps on saying if their tower is not built here then it will be built somewhere else, really, in every single article that is posted to this thread. :repeat:

Afaik, the new RFP is supposed to be issued next month, and at that point some old proposals from the original RFP and new ones will be resubmitted. Affirmation Tower is still only a contender for the overall 418 11th Ave development, if it is not chosen then it will be considered a visionary project, not cancelled because it was never “meant” to be built in the sense of categorical status terminology. It is not the only sole project vying to be chosen as the actual development that will eventually rise here, 418th 11th Ave as a development itself is not cancelled, it is just a proposal atm and has always been so, the terminology for the different entries is what can change, not the overall development.


I don’t want to intrude here on this particular thread, but I have to get my feelings about it out there at some point; I just think that David Adjaye is going to have his Frank Gehry moment eventually. If it isn’t here, he’s going to have it somewhere else. He’s sort of the Gehry/Koolhaas of his time.

Greater impacts by minority and female architects
Different concepts around design in general
Clear and decisively boosting density overall

There are drawbacks, of course, to the direction of the field, such as a lack of reliable plug-in solutions and the loss of finer-grained development patterns with more full-block developments in the city. However, that is sour grapes compared to the greater positive effects. I just urge people to be smart and come to their own conclusions.

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