Unfortunate how flat roofed this neighborhood is. A consequence of the height limit.
This is looking bland. Maybe it’s the overcast weather.
The terracotta, terrazzo, and bronze details look really good in person, very high quality.
I have problems with the boxy shape, it lacks grace.
Is this open yet or is construction still happening?
Very much still under construction as far as internals. Curtain wall is complete though
I’ve heard this should be fully complete by 2024.
This glass looks great.
Understated -
fits the neighborhood. super high quality.
Big news. Crazy decision. I guess Disney is really doubling down and wants to prove this was worth the money.
I think in the long run they will appreciate being in a quieter neighborhood.
I dont see it being much quieter being next to the Holland Tunnel entrance
I used to work on that block - The sound of the car honking from 2 pm to 7 pm was hell!
I got a kick out of the Manhattan Mini Storage billboards.