I think you all will be pleasantly surprised how much this has progressed over the past few weeks, I can see it from LIC shore. I’ll try to post some pics over the weekend
I saw it crossing the 59th street bridge today, they’ve added tons of floors this past week and a half or so.
This building will be a middle finger to the neighborhood NIMBYs
How fast is this rising?
This is riding quickly
How is it possible that we still dont have the renderings for this tower?
Some detailed drawings were provided to the DOB not long ago.
Screen Shot 2019-02-09 at 12.41.51 PM by scottbarnholt, on Flickr
Oh, I thought someone here said these were not the final renderings. But whats rising sure looks like these plans. Thanks!
as the floors rise, I’m trying to figure out where those private terraces will go but can’t pin point them.
That’s the old Foster design. The new architect is Thomas Juul-Hansen.
On a side note, we can also see 200 Amsterdam and its impact on the UWS if we zoom in with the pic above.
Thomas Juul-Hansen is an extraordinary architect. I have no doubts this will be a looker