NEW YORK | 29th St & 5th Ave | FT | 43 FLOORS



This image posted at the site differs from what we’ve previously seen.


It just looks like the printer printed twice on the same thing. The only thing missing is the awful white terrace thing


The image is glitched, it looks like a stitching imperfection from the google street-view panoramic camera. That’s the same design with the ugly core and those ridiculous tacked on balconies that look copy-pasted from a co-op tower.


Oy vey!!


This hideous pile of feces is now listed as 686’ tall.

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sounds more in line with the size described by HFZ

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I have often thought it a shame those required ‘fire stair wells’ that use a significant portion of the buildings usable interior space must remain dormant space that will never be used unless there is a fire in the building. The result is that there is only a one in a billion chance that space (stair well) will every be put to any practical use for the building occupants.

I have always thought there must be some way to make that ‘dead space’ useful to the occupants while at the same time providing that required emergency egress fire exit.

I am wondering if BIG came up with that solution by putting the emergency egress stairwell on the ‘exterior’ and then adding small terraces that could be used by the occupants. I don’t know if that concrete shaft contains the required ‘fire stairwell’ - if it does, this was a brilliant design concept for utilizing what would otherwise be wasted space. The landing of each emergency stair case can be used as a ‘passage way’ leading to the terrace: thus the the ‘emergency fire’ stairwell can then provide a dual purpose. That is my assumption as to what was done; if so, great idea.

This building is IMHO is an attractive modernist design; if that is a ‘fire stair’ - the design is BOTH attractive and brilliant.

I have come to find there are certain Architectural firms that (for me) never disappoint; BIG is one such firm. See link below for the graphic illustration of what may be the ‘fire stairwell’ and terraces.


i checked the filings and only 445,719sf is listed, which is still well below the total of at least 600,000sf HFZ claims to be building from their website.

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But the latest DOB filing indicates that it will be 686’. I wish that this heinous pile of excrement would either not be built or would be 300’ or less.

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I believe this will be a roughly 800-900 ft. tower, per previous renderings and news articles.

They’re acquiring pretty significant air rights, which don’t seem to be included in the previous DOB filings.


That would be a disaster.


I am mostly curious about that concrete terrace structure; if in fact it does double as a ‘fire stairwell’.

I am always amused by people who react to the architectural design of a building as being so ugly, so hideous, that they just HATE the building. It has some nice features (like the terrace structure) and those two monolithic glass and stone sheer walls that rise into the sky; it looks quite nicely done as a modernist structure.

I know the hate for this building it is mostly hyperbole and perhaps design taste that is a bit more demanding or informed than my own; so to each their own - that’s the fun of viewing the art of Architecture.

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It’s hideous. I could deal with it if it were buried in Midtown or LM, but it will stick out like a sore thumb in this area.


It really does have prominance that would be better served with something more iconic on the level of Chrysler or 111 W57 street.


Is it just the way the rendering reads on line or will the blank wall really be blue?

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They were not working today and seems like very little progress since Sept.


That’s fine. They can take allllll the time they need.


I really hope that HFZ loses the site in foreclosure.

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