Between the Village’s nimbyism and the damage this project did to its neighbors, it’s a minor miracle that it’s going to completion.
Great photos above.
Those facade details on most of the RAMSA classic buildings look like very solid, high quality craftsmanship.
The the cinderblock sandwiched between reinforced concrete is massively thick. Onto that cinder block they add more insulation, and then a surface layer of brick. All that that good work, and quality materials make for one fine building.
When it comes to the Vitruvian triad of Usefulness, Beauty & Solidity; this building scores highly on all three attributes - particularly the SOLIDITY of the structure.
I will here share something I saw online recently; it looks like a fairly accurate illustration of this same facade detail here at 14 5th Avenue. Not the same; but one gets the general idea.
It doesnt look like the overall massing from the renders has changes but the general layout of the windows is not the same as the renders anymore, so I wonder if the material palette and color scheme has also changed.
I dont believe this one will be be using the described detail. Many if not most of RAMSA buildings are not built that way. The closest would be The Cortland, which also strayed from the illustration.
They must have hired my window installer.