NEW YORK | 124-125 White St (Manhattan Jail) | 295 FT | 29 FLOORS

From NY Post:

"As part of the city’s sweeping plan to close its troubled Rikers Island jail facility, a nine-story government building at 80 Centre Street would be gutted and replaced with a new detention center that could rise as high as 40 stories, the Mayor’s Office said. "

Steven Hirsch

Affordable Housing is also being talked about. From NY Daily News:

“Today, we are presented with an opportunity to take the rest of that land back to create more affordable housing, cultural amenities and much needed parking for Chinatown,” Chin said in statement. “We must maximize this opportunity by ensuring that all voices are heard as part of this process.”

Maybe will get out own Peach Trees!!! (from Judge Dredd)


I wonder if they’ll have a penthouse for the Bernie Madoffs

Seriously though, the higher levels of the buildings in the administrative district have great views.


A fresh jail skyscraper… wonder how that’ll look.

I don’t know why this reminded me but there’s an empty lot a fair distance from here at Chambers and Elk that needs to be redeveloped. It’s an eyesore. It has been empty for 47 years, or at least since they demolished that old 1870s building that was there in 1971.


Jail will “demap” a piece of White Street for 500-foot tower

A crew of city employees from across three agencies came to CB1 this week to defend the mayor’s plan for a 500-foot jail tower on White Street, and in my mind, left a few key questions unanswered. The city has changed its mind on the location twice, but now seems set on demolishing the Tombs at 125 White as well as 124 White in order to build one giant detention center to hold 1,500 prisoners. The construction would also erase that easternmost piece of White Street when the building is constructed right over it. Here’s my attempt at a summary of a huge and complex issue for the city and the area, or you can read the presentation here for yourself:

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Changed the title. Let’s keep the Manhattan jail site within the same thread. As info comes, we’ll update the thread to include the extra sites. Treat it as a gen development.

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plans approved for 295’. Max proposed detainee population across 4 new jails is 3,300 by 2026.

Make an Egyptian Revival skyscraper in the spirit of the tombs:


There’s no way this is being cancelled with the clock ticking on Rikers.

State Supreme Court Judge John Kelley ruled Monday in favor of Neighbors United Below Canal and other community groups that sued over the plan.

In the ruling, Kelley based the decision on complaints that the City Council ignored correct procedure and failed to get impact studies and approvals for a plan that was still being formulated.

The NYC Department of Design and Construction (DDC) announced today that it has selected four separate teams of designers and builders to receive design-build contracts to prepare the sites where four new borough-based jail facilities will be constructed in Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn and the Bronx.

A fifth new contract has been awarded through the City’s regular competitive bidding process for infrastructure work at the Queens site.

Major construction in the Borough-Based Jails program began in June in Kew Gardens, Queens, where a new garage and community space is being constructed adjacent to the site of a future new jail.

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Well, demolition is beginning. The worlds tallest jail - 30 stories - will replace 125 White St, colloquially known as “The Tombs”… Hopefully it turns out to be a nice looking building for a bad bunch of people. I believe it was originally proposed to be 45 stories.

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I think it’s very misleading for The Guardian to publish this image, even if its caption states that the illustration is not to scale.


Well in addition to that, a shadow like that isn’t even possible because at that point the sun would already be set and that would be during the Summer when the Sun is at it’s highest altitude, let alone such an angle of shadow wouldn’t exist at all in the Winter.

They should clearly leave the diagrams and statistics to people that actually study that stuff…

But to your point, it doesnt even matter that they said the illustration isn’t to scale because 100 Centre St next door is about ~300’+ tall, so the new jail would be of similar height…


Rendering it red tells you everything you need to know about the Guardian. If it is related to the Guardian out here in CA it is well worth ignoring.