JERSEY CITY | Bergen-Lafayette Development


Small update from here, about two weeks ago

327 Communipaw

262 Johnston Ave

62-68 Monitor St

278 Pine St

323 Johnston Ave

Cleared sites of 342 Johnston Ave and 401-405 Whiton St


Updates from 2 weeks ago

399-401 Halladay St

342 Johnston and 401-405 Whiton St

412-414 Whiton St

17-19 Ash St

125 Monitor St - well, at least they mowed the lawn?

309-323 Johnston Ave

262 Johnston Ave

306 Johnston Ave - piling!

Garabrant 3 - demolishing the last of the buildings on site

278 Pine St

62-68 Monitor St

327 Communipaw Ave

293-297 Communipaw Ave

326 Pacific Ave

278 Pacific Ave

260 Pacific Ave

This two family home on 300 Halladay St is…unique, I suppose. Not sure how I feel about it

475 Communipaw Ave

503-509 Communipaw Ave - looks just about done, finally

500 Communipaw Ave

Grand St

665-669 Grand St

632-652 Grand St

627 Grand St - the city is in no rush to finish this fire station, it seems.


Crazy amount of development in JC…


Fulop Announced Kick Off of Bergen Square Revitalization

Mayor Steven M. Fulop led a contingent of local officials along with community members and organizations on Tuesday to announce the groundbreaking on the Bergen Square revitalization project in Journal Square.

After years of working closely with local organizations and Jersey City residents, a statement said, the community-led project will transform Bergen Square into new and innovative public spaces with renewed vibrancy in the heart of the City – all while highlighting the critical role this section of Jersey City played in the development of our country, dating back thousands of years.

“The Journal Square area is an important part of Jersey City’s history and is undergoing an unprecedented renaissance to become one of the most vibrant and exciting places to live, work, and visit in the region,” Fulop said. “This new Bergen Square revitalization project will be a key part of that progress and will help to ensure that Jersey City remains a thriving and vibrant community for years to come.”

As a result, the improvements slated for construction in Bergen Square include:

*** Relocating PS 11’s school bus area for safer, more streamlined school pick-up and drop-off activity.*
*** Converting surface parking lots into a 5,400 square foot pedestrian plaza and park space.*
*** Planting new trees and green infrastructure to increase green space for environmental, physical, recreational, and social benefits.*
*** Improving public bus stops with new seating and transit shelters at one of the busiest bus stops in the City.*
*** Adding 14 parking spots by relocating public parking to Academy Street and converting the street to a one-way.*
*** Raising the intersection at Bergen Avenue and Academy Street for a safer, continuous pedestrian experience.*
*** Highlighting the area’s rich history through design elements.*
*** Traditional Lenni Lenape banding design around the perimeter of the square.*
*** Designs on the new raised intersection mimicking the well that once existed at that exact location to provide water to residents and livestock in the mid-1800s.*
*** Building a protected cycle track.*


Same corner on Monitor Street and Maple Street in Lafayette, 2013 vs 2023.


Now thats a success story right there. Amazing what good zoning, an ambitious modern forward thinking mayor and swift approval processes can do.


Ground broken with respect to the Bergen Square overhaul.

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Only missed opportunity was to bury the power lines…

A look at the infill development boom along MLK Drive from a few months ago.

Infill around McGinley Square:


Work on 342 Johnston is underway. They were pile driving today.


Looks like 337 Johnston, located at the same intersection as the previous post, is set to get going. New fencing is up with a notice of excavation work posted. Nothing too remarkable, but happy to see continued progress in the area.


Great updates, keep it up!


update on 125 Monitor Street:

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It’s unfortunate when you see these projects get bogged down in legal sagas. I feel like these situations prevent more developers from building bigger/better projects. I mean the current proposal has a school and affordable housing.

Meanwhile, single-family detached houses and highway widening projects get approved without a second thought.


Some updates from the Communipaw area.

399 Halladay - had been stalled for several months after the foundation work had completed, but looks like progress is continuing.

17-19 Ash - Not sure what is going on here. Basically stalled like this for months now.

342 Johnston - getting ready for first floor now.

99 Monitor almost wrapped up on the exterior.

Some other smaller infill projects


Thank you for these very thorough updates.

I wonder if the Liberty State Park P+R will ever be redeveloped. It just looks so ridiculous to have a major parking lot between the dense neighbourhood and the LRT station.


I’d love for that to happen soon, but honestly I think we’re a decade off from that land being turned over to development. There’s so many vacant lots in the Liberty Harbor area and below Pacific in Communipaw still, and it’s always a full parking lot during the weekdays.

A great solution would be to build a ramp at the science center that could be shared with commuters and then hand over the current parking lots to an ambitious developer.

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NJTransit would make a lot more money from developing the lot than it makes from renting out the parking.

The lot is full on weekdays because they set the price of the parking so that the market clears (they rent many of the spots to non-commuters), not because there’s any great demand.

Liberty Harbor is empty because it’s a lot more expensive to build on than this lot–there is no sewers, power lines, water mains, or roads in most of Liberty Harbor, and the land needs to be raised above the flood plain. This parking lot, on the other hand, has ready access to roads and utilities, and is right next to light rail.

Ultimately it’s NJT’s bureaucratic inertia and indifference that have kept it from being developed, and will likely keep it from being developed for decades.

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