JERSEY CITY | 29 Van Reipen Ave + 612 Pavonia Ave | 313 FT x 2 | 27 FLOORS x 2

Two new Homestead Pl towers.

Been waiting to post this one…it’s the two towers in the foreground right of center in this rendering (two other towers of similar height are visible in the background to the left…those renderings are old and they’ll likely be about 20 stories taller than what’s shown in the rendering due to a recent rezoning).

Tower 1 (29 Van Reipen)
Construction of a new 27-story mixed-use building containing 696 residential units, approx. 3,076 SF of retail/commercial space, approx. 19,380.3 SF of hotel space, amenities and associated site improvements.

It will cantilever over an old frame house at 15 Van Reipen Ave too, but you can’t see that in the rendering.

Tower 2 (608-612 Pavonia)
Construction of a new 27-story mixed-use building containing 432 residential units, approx. 4,536.8 SF of retail/commercial space, approx. 3,295 SF of professional office space, approx. 8,814 SF of office space, amenities and associated site improvements


So many of the projects directly in this area look very similar. Are they all by the same developer?


Yes one developer has been more successful at getting projects done efficiently, and has continued to buy up land and propose new projects at a faster pace than others. That developer is Namdar.


Forgot to add that this will have a covered retail arcade between the towers, as well as retail along the Homestad Pl pedestrian plaza.

Here is the scheme showing the two tower above (Phase 01 and Phase 02) on the left, as well as the two future 47-story towers, on the right


More renderings from Namdar’s website