@ash camas
Love the last picture!
Good job, JC_Heights!
And this tower is cool and stunning!
Nice photos, JC!
You can see URL in the beginning. A nice drive towards it. Add you can see the areas as well, how much it has changed.
Looks like they have finished up the facade where the elevators were.
This(these) is such an interesting tower/s. From close up and around most of jersey city, url looks great I think. From nyc, it kinda looks unappealing and meh. I think when they build the others it will remain awesome from nj but when looking from nyc these will still be lame looking. I think i mostly hate the crown. But the offset boxes and nice cladding look good and get better the closer you are to it.
They are finishing up the base/entryway and about to start landscaping. Looks nice so far. Still no sign of them starting phase 2.
Still no movement on phase 2 but they did seem to clear out some trailers and equipment from where phase 2 will start.
This one looms large on the skyline from Journal Square. Looks like 1WTC’s short tipsy drinking buddy:
Nice photos, JC and Apophenic!