It almost looks like the financial district.
In many ways this building is a disappointment. It could’ve been so much better. A more sleek taller spiral would’ve made a difference, instead it just looks like another bulky glass box from a distance.
I thought it was gonna be skinnier from the renderings. Definitely looked better when it was taller.
Though every time I see this site I just think of what could have been
I wonder when the elevator lifts are coming down. It feels like this and 50 Hudson yards lifts have been there forever.
The southern lift for Spiral went down a long time ago, not sure what they are using the northern lift for, there shouldn’t be anything left that cannot fit in internal service elevators
This building design was a nice idea but it didn’t really work. Turned out to be a large glass hunk like most of the other HY buildings. Too bad.
The base of this building is very sterile in person. I hope the lobbies, restaurants and retail spaces add some life and hopefully some color to this building.
BIG really missed the mark to create something innovated. The design is almost analog in a digital world.
A full city built from scratch (minus the ESB)