NEW YORK | Hudson Yards Phase 2 | 1,376 + 1,224 + 1,180 FT | 80 +80 + 74 FLOORS

Representatives went before the City Planning Review board today to present parking garage plans for renewal through 2024 for Phase 2. The gears turn slowly…



Anyone know what they are doing here? Looks more like they are adding another rail line for train storage than any structural work for phase 2?


Something to do with Hudson Gateway? Maybe ventilation?


Pics from 2016

Wouldn’t that be a very good location for a 2000 feet skyscraper?

Why build many small ones when you can get one or two big ones?
Hudson Yards Phase two has the potential, not much has moved on this property since 2016.



When will they start covering the rail yards?

not for a while i suspect.

i think they are still entertaining options for what to do with the space.

there is a rumor that its a potential location for MSG relocation. Needless to say, any major change to the programming would likely necessitate a review of the entire platform.

in either case, i think this will wait an entire economic cycle (a normal one) before anything happens. there is no rush.


There’s a possibility that Related will forego its residential plans for Phase II and that a new MSG will rise there? I’d love to see that happen.


There’s no chance that MSG moves to Phase II. It makes no sense, for Related, or MSG.

Also, Related isn’t entertaining what to do. They have an approved site plan, with each site specified per the larger zoning agreement. The tower footprints are already set.


C’mon crawdad, let us dream hahaha.

MSG right by the water, that would be enticing indeed.

How are footprints already sent when they’ve yet to build the platform?

Doubt JRF at your own peril . . .

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…on paper. Which means very little until they actually start work. The archives of NYC’s DoB are littered with grand plans that almost happened. Things can seem awfully certain right up until they’re not.


A waterfront view, and the obstructed vista overlooking NJ and far beyond is a major ‘value added’ feature for a NYC residence; building anything other than residential on that site is a complete missed opportunity.

I remain perplexed at how many Hudson River views have been squandered in NYC with sanitation facilities, parking garages, salt shed structures, potential sports arenas, bus depots, stadiums, etc.

What am I missing here? I just don’t get it! :roll_eyes:

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You could also build some decent corporate offices, but like with anything else, you have to do it right. Also, phase one took care of a lot of that demand. I don’t think there’s a strong press for new desktops in that area for the foreseeable future. I also posit it’s just a fact of the area that it isn’t really conducive towards one particular use, at least not yet. Getting rid of those single-story wastes of land in that area is needed though, and certainly more platforms over unsightly infrastructure such as on-off ramps would be a decent solution for the area.

Excellent points. (I would add elevated highways and power plants to your list!) NYC generally does a terrible job managing its waterfronts. From The Battery up the Hudson to about 29th is nice, but the rest is a mess.

FWIW, I wasn’t trying to say that they should change plans for HY phase II, just that anything is possible.

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I like this idea in theory, until I start thinking about how people will get to games/events. I assume a direct entrance to the 7 station would be easy enough to construct. But currently transit riders can take the 1,2,3, A, C, E, B, D, F, M, N, Q, R, W, LIRR, NJ Transit and PATH (am I forgetting others?) to within one block of the Garden. One line doesn’t really seem like it would cut it.

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My one connection to Related mentioned that the programming for Phase 2 could possible change to institutional (think Cornell Tech Campus), but this was at the height of the pandemic when the future was unclear. They may have pivoted back to office/residential but we won’t know until they make an announcement.


I imagine the office may be toned just a tiny bit and replaced with residential but there will still be large amounts of both in phase 2.

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Hudson Yards phase one definitely brought immense amounts of density and modernization.

This project made views like these possible…

Now, the question is what will phase 2 be like? My money is on this; Phase 2 will be like Brookfield Place and the Goldman Sachs headquarters with a bit of Frank Gehry and Santiago Calatrava thrown in for that added kick of starchitecture for marketing purposes. Nix/86 the low-rise buildings of Battery Park City for higher density and you’re set!


To be clear, and quoting Nick Fury in the Avengers movies, Phase 2 isn’t ready. Too many other projects that need to be completed and filled with people before that happens. Manhattan West is sort of a Phase 1.5/informal phase 2 itself, so phase 2 of Hudson Yards is really phase 3 of a larger West Side development strategy which will attempt to slowly box in Hell’s Kitchen, forcing that area to modernize and improve more. With Robert AM Stern as one of the consulting architects, I feel pretty comfortable. I want to see a couple residential buildings akin to the unbuilt Larkin building pop up in that area. Buildings that may not be as bulky and extravagant as my Metropolitan North project, but buildings that will certainly bring the high-rise, Art-Deco style westward, providing a couple decent seed projects for the area to really start to develop bigger.