I assume they mean largest cantilever, not largest building. Even then, they must mean largest as in just how far it sticks out, not how large it is above that. So… not great wording on their part.
I’d love to see the same developer acquire the Equinox and Petco buildings
and build the same tower but with the new one cantilevered to the south and with a plaza where the Equinox currently is.
A pictorial definition of “high anxiety”.
Looks kinda cheap on the inside, particularly the pattern repeats in the bathroom tile.
The look of this building is ‘growing on me’ - despite the fact I fear it may some day be ‘falling on me’. There is a category of Architectural design that I would classify simply as ‘exciting’ or ‘interesting’ or ‘exotic’ : and in the final analysis this is a good thing. .
This is the perfect size window: plenty of light views, and still imparts a sense of ‘enclosure’ from the outside elements. I think floor-to-ceiling windows are not conducive to a ‘comfortable’ interior space.
Just because they can does not mean they should. Hideous building, a blot on the upper west side.
What about it is hideous? The cladding looks pretty nice
I’ve walked by this project. It’s absolutely awful. Not only does it defy our expectations about the nature of construction, but it is also out of scale, unattractive, and insulting to neighboring buildings. At some point the city may have to exercise some control over ridiculous cantilevers. This one is so much more unsettling than many others that have gone up around the city. 56 Leonard is creative and interesting, while still being an engineering marvel. The Central Park Tower is not great in the way it overshadows the Art Students League, but it is tolerable. This one goes beyond the limits of good planning.
I could not have said it any better.
Thanks GSPLover
Even if the facade was made out marble and bronze it would still be putting lipstick on a pig.
How exactly?
The cantilever is oppressive, menacing and unsettling as well as a few other adjectives I will not repeat. No facade will make this building attractive.
Cantilevers preserve existing building fabric. And the engineering for cantilevers has gotten very straightforward. And UWS NIMBYS are crazy and have forced absurd height and floor area ratio zoning limits. In 2021, you can’t build as big on the UWS as you could over 100 years ago, even in areas that aren’t landmarked or special-districted.
So get used to it, cantilevers will be everywhere shortly, which is a good thing. NYC needs more housing, more tax base, and more transit-oriented development.
Whatever you need to tell yourself to cope with your irrational dislike of cantilevers.