There’s a lot of development going on along the 7 train on 23rd Street in LIC. I didn’t see a thread about this one but perhaps it’s under a different address.
This is a different site than this one on the other side of the on-ramp for the 59th street bridge:
And this wide boi going up a few blocks south: NEW YORK | 43-30 24th Street | 754 FT | 70 FLOORS
is it this one?
Nah, that’s north of Queensboro Plaza.
This one is further south.
That is this thread: NEW YORK | 43-30 24th Street | ? FT | ? FLOORS
There’s no available documents on ACRIS about this lot but it uses 23-10 42 Rd as the address, which an old yimby article says is an alternate address to the building across the street. So that’s confusing.
We have this
I think work has resumed here as the protective coverings they had on the rebar is off. It also looks like the beginnings of a crane towards the back?
It does appear so, thanks for the update, I had been wondering what was going on with this one. I do like the design, it’s a stretch, but it slightly reminds me of Brooklyn Point.
This tower is now on the second floor. Saw it while passing on the 7 train tonight.
the little thing is growing fast
Yes, it looks like they are full steam ahead. Both Jackson Ave and 23rd Street are filling up slowly. Also thanks for commenting so I can separate out my photos from today.
From 6.28.23:
Thanks for your update
you can make some again later