NEW YORK | 141 Willoughby St | 360 FT | 23 FLOORS

This is, indeed, closing in on curtain wall completion.

There are still a few floors to go on the other side, but it’s getting there.

Can I just say how grateful I am that this building has a cohesive, attractive façade on all sides?

The main wall you’re looking at in this photo (to the left) is facing Gold St, a relatively narrow street on this block. And it’s facing 4 MetroTech, which hides most of this façade from most angles except the exact one where I took this photo. The core of this building is right up against this exterior wall.

Most other architects / developers would have put a blank concrete wall here. It would have been easier and cheaper and, in this specific location, relatively few people would have complained.

But they didn’t do that; they did the right thing and made it look like a proper building from all angles. And for that, I am grateful.