I wonder if they will ever deck over that railyard. Maybe not because it’s trenched.
Ultimately it depends how high the return on investment is. That will depend on construction costs for the deck and what sort of rents they can fetch for the apartments/offices. Even in Brooklyn, where rents are higher, they seem to have a hard time justifying the costs of decking over the Atlantic Yards - all the apartments built so far there have been on terra firma.
That railyard looks like it would be pretty challenging to deck over. Unlike Hudson yards, this one has electric poles that feed into a substation nearby along with really limited room between the tracks to anchor buildings and the actual decking.
Could be, but there are already two buildings already partially built on decks over the tracks…80 Journal Square (the 2-story CH Martin building, for which a high-rise has been proposed reusing the existing deck) and the Port Authority building. About half of the 80 Journal Sq site is directly over railroad tracks including the entire north side of the building. The deck begins to the right of where there is a metal seam in the pavement.
Same here with the Port Authority building…to the right of the metal seam is on the deck.
Thanks guys. Very informative.
Thanks for the updates guys, I love this project.
Best news it blocks the Port Authority building.
When the windows are open the reflection of the light creates a nice effect that distracts from the oppressive flatness of the facade and the ugly PTAC pockmarks. But in practice the windows will probably be almost all closed once people move in.
Another cool effect is the reflection of Journal Squared’s illuminated crown off the façade of 1JS:
The terminated vista up Enos Pl:
The view from Bergen Square:
The view from Pershing Field in the Heights:
The Hatfields and the McCoys -
Not crappy. Quite nice.
thanks! @stache - the light was great - but my phone 3X zoom no so great - Looking forward to the iPhone 16pro 5X optical zoom
I was on a walk during that sunset. It was pretty cool.
Like I keep saying, I feel like one of the few saving graces of One Journal Square from an aesthetic standpoint is the way it reflects of other buildings at night
When will they upgrade that awful Port Authority Tower ?
When will they replace that awful Port Authority Tower?