PHILADELPHIA | 30th Street Station Renovation | 5 FLOORS

The final 30th Street District Plan has been released at

It’s a 35 year, $6.5B project to develop the area around 30th St station. It will double 30th St station capacity, add 18 million sq ft of developements and cap over 55 acres of the railyard.


Philadelphias Hudson Yards! Looking forward to it, it will be fantastic seeing as immense skyline stretching over to the river :smiley:

This is the type of big thinking I’d like more cities to have. Love these master plans.

Just for the record:

Older Draft Info:


Building over rail yards seem to be all the rage nowadays. There’s Hudson Yards, Atlantic Yards in Brooklyn, DC is building over the rail yards by Union Station and there’s a proposed development over Boston South Station’s platforms. It’ll only be a matter of time before somebody comes up with a viable plan to deck over Sunnyside Yard in Queens.

I love master plans as well. Anybody here remember when the MTA publicly displayed the 5 proposals for the West Side Yard? That was great, especially with the developers being there to discuss them.



Two of the towers look supertall! There appears to be a slender gold cladded residential and a chunkier office block.

I know that the final complex is far from final, but even the obelisk-like design of the towers remind me of the Hudson Yards.

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Tha gold clad building is a part of the Schyulkill Yards

"The 30th Street Station District will become Philadelphia’s next great neighborhood: a place to live, work, learn, and play near one of the nation’s busiest and most important transportation hubs and accessible to one-of-a-kind urban and natural amenities.

The Plan lays out a vision for the next 35 years and beyond to support 40 new acres of open space and 18 million square feet of new development, including an entirely new mixed-use neighborhood anchoring the District atop 88 acres of rail yards on the western bank of the Schuylkill River. The Plan is a road map towards an exciting new neighborhood, an incredible gateway for Philadelphia, and a center for new economic growth and opportunity.

Completed in June of 2016, the Philadelphia 30th Street Station District Plan is a long-range, joint master planning effort led by Amtrak, Brandywine Realty Trust, Drexel University, the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, and the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority to develop a comprehensive vision for the future of the 30th Street Station District in the year 2050 and beyond. A Coordinating Committee of institutional partners has also guided the planning effort. Its members include the City of Philadelphia, CSX Corporation, the Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission, New Jersey Transit, Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation, Schuylkill River Development Corporation, University City District and the University of Pennsylvania. The vision harmonizes ideas from this group together with a diverse and highly-engaged set of stakeholders, including elected officials, community organizations, business, trade and advocacy groups, anchor institutions and major employers, transportation passengers, citizens of the District and the general public."

Skidmore Owings & Merrill



There are three overarching goals which will guide the master planning process: Community, Connectivity, and Identity. Existing conditions analysis will examine the current state of Community, Connectivity, and Identity in the district. We will research examples of premier places that embody different aspects of the three goals and develop possible future scenarios from best practices learned. And the final Master Plan will identify objectives which all seek to fulfill at least one of the three goals.

1. Community

Build a vibrant community full of opportunities to live, learn, work and play.

2. Connectivity

Celebrate 30th Street Station as a premier multi-modal transportation hub where people can seamlessly connect to resources and attractions in the local community, the city and the region.

3. Identity

Create a high-quality network of active, attractive and safe places to welcome residents and visitors into a place of memorable identity and character.

Here’s how it will be built:

Skidmore Owings & Merrill
(Click on image)



3d model I made including the Schuylkill Yards


Cira II proposal


Phase I
Schuylkill Yards - 8 towers
30th Street Station improvements
Bus Terminal
Cira II - 705 FT

Phase II
Arch and Race Street Pedestrian Bridges
3000 Cherry Street - 320 FT
3100 Cherry Street - 605 FT
3020 Race Street - 315 FT
3120 Race Street - 405 FT
4 other buildings under 12 floors tall

Phase III
Race Street Pedestrian Bridge to Center City
Schuylkill River West Banks
2928 Race Street - 670 FT

Phase IV
Powelton Ave bridge
Schuylkill Bluffs park Phase I
2929 Race Street - 590 FT
3101 Race Street - 225 FT
3100 Winter Street - 435 FT
3001 Winter Street - 375 FT
3100 Powelton Ave - 255 FT
9 other buildings under 12 floors tall

Phase V
Transit Terminal Tower - 1200 FT

Phase VI
Baring St Bridge
Drexel Park extension
Schuylkill Bluffs park Phase 2
Schuylkill Bluffs pedestrian Bridge
3001 Powelton Ave - 305 FT
3101 Powelton Ave - 380 FT
3000 Baring St - 570 FT
3100 Baring St - 330 FT
5 other buildings under 12 floors

Phase VII
3125 Baring St - 180 FT
3100 Hamilton St - 295 FT
3100 Spring Garden St - 210 FT
6 other buildings under 12 floors

19 towers over 12 floors - Estimated Heights

1,200 FT - 85 FLOORS - Transit Terminal Tower - 2901 Arch Street
705 FT - 47 FLOORS - Cira II - 3001 John F. Kennedy Blvd
670 FT - 45 FLOORS - 2928 Race Street
605 FT - 40 FLOORS - 3100 Cherry Street
590 FT - 40 FLOORS - 2929 Race Street
570 FT - 38 FLOORS - 3000 Baring Street
435 FT - 30 FLOORS - 3100 Winter Street
405 FT - 27 FLOORS - 3120 Race Street
380 FT - 25 FLOORS - 3101 Powelton Ave
375 FT - 25 FLOORS - 3001 Winter Street
330 FT - 22 FLOORS - 3100 Baring Street
320 FT - 20 FLOORS - 3000 Cherry Street
315 FT - 20 FLOORS - 3020 Race Street
305 FT - 20 FLOORS - 3001 Powelton Ave
295 FT - 19 FLOORS - 3100 Hamilton Street
255 FT - 17 FLOORS - 3100 Powelton Ave
225 FT - 15 FLOORS - 3101 Race Street
210 FT - 14 FLOORS - 3100 Spring Garden Street
180 FT - 12 FLOORS - 3125 Baring Street

All of these estimates are from prageethSL on SSC


This whole project is my wet dream to be honest. I can’t with this and Hudson Yards, my body can’t take it anymore!!!


I prefer Philly to Chicago.

I rate US cities as follows:



Every future building from one of my spots