NEW YORK | The Huron (1 Huron Street) | FT | 12 FLOORS


facade is coming along slowly, and the waterfront walkway has made some progress recently


This is another nice architectural addition to Huron Street. Great photos - thanks.

I was on Huron Street taking photos of this building the other day.
A guy comes up to me and says - “can you tell me where Huron Street is ?”.
I said - “You’re on Huron Street”
He said - “YES, HURON Street, that is what I am looking for.”…
I said - “NO,I am saying , YOU’RE ON HURON STREET”
He said - “why do you keep repeating that - are you deaf or something?”

He then stormed off in anger.

(BTW, that did not really happen)… :joy:


The windows on this one are fantastic. The overall design aesthetic is OK, but this gets a solid “A” for FUNCTION.

Function over form may well be the best way to go residential architecture; prospective buyers want excellent interiors - the Architectural design of the facade is often of marginal concern IMHO.

This is a great photo -