As far as buildings with exposed cores go this one is actually pretty nice, at least the south facing side. I like the conscious decision by the architects to make it ‘face’ south towards Chelsea and Hudson Yards and away from Hell’s kitchen
I agree: this one rises above the ‘building standard’ or ‘generic’ - and rates a worthy “pretty nice”. I struggle with trying to sound like an Architectural sophisticate when discussing the aesthetic merits of these various new buildings; but for me now, the conventional terms “nice looking” , “artistic looking” and my all time favorite “something special” says it best.
That base structure blends nicely with the tower above as they are both basic rectilinear forms; different enough for visual variation, yet complimentary. I like this one a lot, and seems very functional in terms of good interior natural light, views out, simple efficient floor plans, and random terraces added through due the the various set-backs on the exterior - and in terms of construction technology a very ‘buildable’ structure.
The front, back, and base all have quite different looks: but it all comes together as a cohesive assemblage - and the exposed concrete blends in well enough as a nice looking finished surface.
Moving thread to complete section. Came out nicely.