NEW YORK | 304 West 49th Street | 209 FT | 20 FLOORS

Another parking garage bites the dust (hopefully)

Hell’s Kitchen Parking Garage to Make Way for Mixed-Use Development — Including Affordable Units

The owners of a six-story garage at 304 West 49th St (bw 8/9th Ave) want to construct a 20-story, 209-foot building in its place — but only after they secure a zoning text amendment increasing the maximum height they are allowed to build on the full lot.

The 59,000 square foot building would include 69 housing units, 17 of which (24.6%) would be permanently affordable under the city’s Mandatory Inclusionary Housing (MIH) program.



The development plans are complicated by the property’s lot being split evenly between the Clinton Special District’s “preservation area,” which restricts building heights among other provisions, and the Special District’s “perimeter area,” close to 8th Avenue, which allows for taller structures.