NEW YORK | 270 Park Ave | 1,389 FT | 70 FLOORS

While I realize you’re not technically supposed to use drones, I had mine with me and snapped this real quick while in Central Park :camera_flash:


The canopies attached to each N/S side entrance provide clearance past the louvers above so droppings shouldnt be an issue.

If F+P didn’t account for birds on the decorative cladding then im almost certain that they woll be covered with a net like many of the older buildings around the city that have many decorative elements/niches/etc.


As if we are a country of laws anymore.



From your photos it looks like the crane and its temporary steel base structure have been mostly removed.

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Yes, I noticed what may have been a BMU extended out over the eastern side yesterday but I didn’t photograph it.


The BMUs are only located on the 2nd, 4th, and 5th/top setbacks, the 2nd services bother the 2nd and 1st tiers and the 4th services both the 4th and 3rd tiers or respective “slices” of the 9 volumes that make up the building. The 5th services its own slice.

The thing thats poking out in your photos (though not sure if its the same thing you’re refering to that you saw yesterday) is the dismantled beams that were making up the platform the crane was standing on.


Looks like the crane has been completely removed!

The doorway frames have been added to 47th and Park Ave

The Madison side of the lobby looks largely complete on the walls and ceiling, and the stonework for the plaza has begun. On the Park avenue side, the facade has begun to go up on the interior lobby beams.


The vestibule structure to all 4 entrances has been up for a few months now.

@JohnFloreville What is in your last photo isn’t stone work relating to the plaza, its not stone, they look like temp retaining wall or barrier blocks.

I missed this post and noticed the interior column cladding going up on my last update a week ago. That is a somewhat fast deadline if you’re refering to all lobby work including exteriors. If you’re only talking about interior work it “may” be possible but they will still always be following a schedule. There’s never really an instance in where the contractor tries to finish something as quickly as possible since they are always still trying to follow a schedule.


Great pics from everyone recently!! :grin: I only got to see 270 Park from afar, but it’s a wonderful addition to such an epic skyline!!

I was in NY for a few hours on Oct 5th & 10th while visiting family & friends between those days in RI before heading back to DFW.


Right, sorry I didn’t mean to suggest that it was on the same floor as the last section of the crane platform, or that that was the BMU (as I said, I didn’t snap a pic of it).

From what I understand, they use successively smaller cranes and then the last crane either goes down the elevator or else the BMU is employed. @JohnFloreville has a shot of the BMU I saw- I guess it was the 2nd setback one after all. I’m curious how they’re going to get that last roof crane down and wonder if they’re going to use successive BMUs or the elevator.


Ah ok I get what you’re saying.

You are correct in saying that smaller cranes are used to dismantle the last remaining crane, and what takes down the derrick crane is mostly up to size and bearing capacity of the BMUs.

If the derrick crane is too large sometimes an even smaller derrick crane is assembled that “can” be brought down by either the BMU or down through the construction elevators. In this instance whether the BMUs lift the derrick crane down is whether they have the proper bearing capacity.

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Roger that -those BMU’s look pretty beefy to me!


Always love the views from MetroNorth.

Epic series!



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Lower floor updates