The development is in the early phase of planning, but Greg Kalnit, executive vice president at Adellco, told The Real Deal that the building will likely stand 11 to 12 stories high and contain 20 to 25 condominiums, with a mix of larger one- to three-bedroom homes.
Plans have been filed with the city to demolish the four-story structure on the site now, and Adellco intends to build to the maximum density of 36,110 square feet.
209 West 14th Street: Adelco has filed applications for an 11-story and 21-unit mixed-use building of 36,120 square feet spanning 209-211 West 14th Street, in Chelsea; the existing four-story structure was approved to be demolished in July, and Goldstein Hill & West is designing.
The zoning on 14th Street is absurd. In the 1920’s, they were building much taller towers. The Con Ed building is well over 500 ft. Now, 100 years later, all the new structures have the scale of Brooklyn/Queens corridors, thanks to NIMBYs and outdated zoning.
The newer structures should all be at least 20-30 floors. And that’s bare minimum. That kind of scale is very appropriate for a major, wide crosstown corridor, with heavy subway and bus service.
The worst deplorables are the Democrats in NYC’s local government. With the flick of a few wrists we could release the hounds and remove or severely reduce FAR restrictions, deflating the insane land costs which make development in NYC so cost prohibitive. Yet instead of doing something meaningful we get histrionic blustering resulting in displaced persons and entrenched misery. Deplorable!
I need only reference what has been said in a previous ‘Yimby’ article on the subject. The following excerpt is the core simple truth that is somehow ignored/denied or not generally understood: for whatever reason.
Yimby article excerpt here - "In other neighborhoods, zero or negative natural population growth and little to no new immigration by relatives means that new development is meant for people who are not typically connected to the area’s existing residents.
NIMBYism, it seems, is not driven by worry about infrastructure capacity; rather, infrastructure is used as a fig leaf for tribal concerns about who belongs in a neighborhood. When people complain about “overdevelopment,” then, it should not be thought of as more development than infrastructure capacity can support, but more development than existing residents want."