NEWARK | The Arc Tower (577 Broad St) | 520 FT | 45 FLOORS

They don’t want white people there. This has been going on for years.

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I think that comment is a bit out of the blue. Do you really know what is on the minds of the preservation commission? I just took a look on Google maps of the block involved in the dispute. There are some very nice old buildings there, one of which I think is involved in the demolition request. So it is quite possible that the preservation claim has some merit. I too like the building design and would like to see it go up. Maybe the facade can be protected or the building moved. I don’t know what is actually going on in the preservation dispute.


The Arc Tower

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According to the Newark Subreddit the meeting for this tower was a sh*tshow!



Newark is leveling up…

The same developers are also constructing THIS in the area.


Is this in site prep or U/C at all?

I’d guess not

I believe this tower will be self financed so it may be a game of waiting in this case. No site prep or u/c at the moment. The existing parcel needs to be demo’d first.


Construction in Newark has picked up in recent years, but I wouldn’t hold my breath on any particular project. Approvals for highrises have long far outnumbered construction starts in Newark. Some of them happen, but most don’t.

Probably best not to needlessly bump threads like this…when this project happens, someone will update with info. If there’s no recent posts, there’s probably no recent news.



Jurassic P-Arc Tower


Apparently, barriers were set up in front of a building and a few windows were boarded up with plywood.

And if I haven’t made a mistake, construction could start in a week or two. I read this information somewhere on Reddit, but I don’t know if it’s true.

„ The developer received the demolition permits and construction permits to start construction on the 45 story tower. Demolition to begin in 2 weeks and ending around July. A month break period and after that foundation work will begin in August. The tower is expected to take 28 months to complete with a completion date set in 2026!!! I told TAPinto Newark and there going to right an article about it later today“

So this was just an April Fool’s joke, nothing more, no news about the project.
Is the project still up to date (on hold)?

Could we also close this topic until official news is released?