NEW YORK | Hudson Yards Rezoned District | 43M SF

Made a quick map of the Hudson Yards area, particularly West of 10th Ave, North of 29th St, and South of 42nd St where Hudson Park is expected to terminate. I enumerated the major developments that are ongoing and/or planned but decided to leave out the smaller lots that have planned developments as a majority of them have legal problems, developer problems/changes, design changes, in limbo, etc. It is the most accurate map of developments at “Hudson Yards” at the moment, so if anyone has any suggestions I’d welcome any. I’d also be glad to answer any questions pertaining to any of the lots on the map that are questionable.

Hopefully this helps @mcart and anyone else that is wondering what is going on as far as developments in the area go. (I plan to make a nicer rendered one in the future without satellite overlay.)

And a map focusing on the built up area with my context model. (I know 3 Hudson Boulevard is not built yet)