Friends of the High Line executive director Alan van Capelle said he’s had “early conversations with the City and the Whitney Museum” for additional space “to better serve the elevated park’s seven million annual visitors.”
This looks promising
The official press release here:
600 units sounds like it would be a relatively substantial sized building, especially if a portion of the lot is being allotted for an expansion to the museum and space for the HighLine.
„ Image showing a 60-story tower at “Gansevoort Square” in scale to its surroundings; click to expand and see more images.“
heheheh, the monster on the Hudson River!!
Not tall enough. We have a shortage of 500,000 housing units.
Build as many 60 story towers as possible.
Sore thumb.
City of Yes
Most exciting part here is the Whitney expansion
Hopefully they don’t raise too much fuss about the height of the housing block
Really out of scale.
yeah scale looks very bad imo
Just going to have to build more buildings of similar scale nearby eventually but the first is always “out of scale”
Anyway I would interpret these drawings put out by the GVSHP with a huge grain of salt–they’re meant to be as ugly and scary as possible to fulfill their agenda of building absolutely nothing ever. They’re not meant to be realistic.
Pretty hard to put up similar buildings in a landmarked area.
Hard ironically because of the same people complaining about this being a sore thumb (GVSHP). Not every building in this area is historic, and they fight against even the ones that aren’t (like this one). There are other developable lots nearby.