via DOB
This should top out at 510 FEET!
Taken yesterday. They are welding support braces for the broadway side of the hole.
Bonus Gilsey house across the street.
Still digging? or is that foundation work in the foreground for the new building?
Still digging and prep work. I dont think any actual foundation work is going on. Some of that steel in the foreground may be part of the retaining wall they had to reinforce along broadway. So maybe that is also considered part of the foundation? Mostly still digging though.
Digging is still going on but some foundation work was being done, as there was concrete being poured on one spot in the site seen in the middle of the first photo.
Is that dude carrying a camping chair to his next business meeting?
Why are they digging so deep?
Plans call for three, 25,000-square-foot-plus below-grade levels (to be used for retail, amenities, mechanical spaces, etc.) But the tower’s foundation has to be built below those three floors.
I think they have been digging for over 15 months now!
They may have had issues with the retaining walls since there are now a bunch of huge steel supports going into the ground below.
Quite impressive pit for the building of that size.
They’ve been digging for more like 1 year and a half. uggghh