This particular comment from the YIMBY article stood out to me as particularly hilarious (and sad):
UWO | January 13, 2025 at 10:22 am
Activate the Southbridge Towers gang! It’s too big, it’s too tall, it will block the sun and destroy the character of the (historic) neighborhood.
Found the NIMBY.
They shouldn’t be mad at the towers… they should be thanking them! Melanoma and harmful UV rays are being prevented by these towers, along with housing and productivity for the city. Win win!
Shadows, oh boy!
I suppose Two and Five World Trade Center will also be blocking the sun. Oh well, we tried
Oh no don’t you remember. “Don’t build the 57th Street towers because of shadows over Central Park!!!” Yet I’m sure a lot of people cherish the shade…especially in the summer. Plus the towers are thin, the shadows aren’t so dramatic.
But on topic, I’m shocked I’m just now seeing this development. Time to finally add another building to my Future Lower Manhattan model! I’ll post screenshots when complete
„ Officials from the city’s Economic Development Corp. are expected to provide more information about the project at Community Board 1’s Executive Committee meeting on Jan. 23. “
Brutalist Lite (Brutalite)
Oh boy here goes the abysmal community boards. I wish they can remove their input from development. Hate them.
they are just so predictable
if they are against it, then so be it.
We only build here to a maximum of 500 feet.
Yeah that’s not how it works. Nobody is just going to roll over for these people
They should built the tower on-spec and watch that community board implode. It’ll be glorious.
The community boards typically have a voice that has to be taken into account in city land use proceedings. The board’s doesn’t have to be followed but it can’t simply be ignored. And spec buildings have to run through permission issues just like any other. This project will probably have an easier time of it though since it’s the public seeking a partner.
its a residential building, on spec is usually for commercial projects without a tenant so that doesnt make a difference here.