Just the opposite. It stopped worked due to financing troubles, even before covid.
That was the latest news I’ve seen but not sure if it actually restarted.
Just the opposite. It stopped worked due to financing troubles, even before covid.
That was the latest news I’ve seen but not sure if it actually restarted.
Haven’t seen any work in a long time. It’s a disgrace, leaving such a transformative project so close to the finish line. It’s an ugly scar on the DTLA skyline.
Urbanize LA — Oceanwide aims to restart work on stalled DTLA mega-project in 2023
Worth the read, but as one commenter put it: we are all Charlie Brown and Oceanwide is Lucy with the football. I will believe it when I see it.
At a certain point, it’s just impressive
A real embarrassment for the city.
They weren’t even fenced off?
All that graffiti looks the same. Where’s the originality in the artists’ (vandals’) work?
Glorified tagging.